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Library Special Events and Exhibits Space Use Policy


The CSU-Pueblo Library affirms the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states “Library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation… Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval…  Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”

In fulfillment of its strategic plan goal to “provide collections, spaces, and services that facilitate learning, research, and innovation for a diverse and inclusive community” and mindful of its role to support the curriculum and educational mission of the University, the University Library will provide spaces for special events, classes, meetings, displays, and exhibits that are centered on themes of academic, social and artistic interest.

Available Spaces

LARC 100

The open lobby of the LARC’s first floor is approximately 30’ x 40’ and is located to the left of the main entrance. It also is adjacent to the library auditorium (LARC 109) and a meeting room/classroom (LARC 108).

LARC 108

A 44 seat classroom/meeting room.  It is a beautiful space with glass walls and beautiful views. It includes moveable tables and chairs that can easily be reconfigured and also a teacher/presenter workstation with projector and screen and a white board. Regular classes may be scheduled in this room during the semester at any time. Classes requiring videoconferencing technology may take precedence.

LARC 109

A small tiered auditorium that seats 75 people with additional spaces available for wheelchair access. This space includes a projection and sound system and electric screen as well as a teacher/presenter workstation. Food and drink allowed only with special permission from Library Administration. Receptions held in conjunction with an event in LARC 109 should be scheduled in either the LARC Lobby or in LARC 108. Regular classes may be scheduled in this room during the semester between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

LARC Video Wall Theatre (2nd floor LINC)

Video wall with adjacent flexible furnishings that can accommodate a presentation, film, or other display and associated event. Flex space that could seat up to 30 people depending on furniture arrangement.

LINCx Presentation Area (2nd floor LINC)

Presentation space with flexible furnishings that can seat up to 50 people depending on furniture arrangement. Includes podium and small sound system.

LINC Flexible Teaching Area (2nd floor LINC)

Flexible teaching and learning space with height adjustable, moveable, tables and chairs and multiple flat panel displays that seats 30 people. This room is not a classroom that can be scheduled for regular, ongoing classes as it is intended to be available to a wide variety of groups for meetings.

LINC Lounge

Flexible teaching and learning, tutoring, or event space with moveable tables, chairs, flat panel, and whiteboard screens. This room is not a classroom that can be scheduled for regular, ongoing classes as it is intended to be available to a wide variety of groups for meetings.

LARC 236

Video conference enabled meeting room with traditional conference table and chairs as well as a flat panel screen and projector. Seats up to 12 people. This room is not a classroom that can be scheduled for regular, ongoing classes as it is intended to be available to a wide variety of groups for meetings.


Limited Availability Rooms

LARC 217

An ITC/Library lab that features 40 computer workstations and a teacher/presenter workstation. To the left and right of the workstation are two large projection screens that can display the workstation’s monitor, play digital media, or connect to external devices. This room is not a classroom that can be scheduled for regular, ongoing classes as it is intended to be specifically available for faculty, staff, and student training events. ITC and Library Services will have first priority of this room, but campus training events can be scheduled if space is available (and made a minimum of two weeks before the event).

LARC 605/LARC 600

The Archives and Special Collections Reading Room and Library 6th floor is reserved for use by the Library and the President’s Office only.

Special Events and Meetings

The University Library sponsors special events that fulfill its purposes outlined above. It also makes its spaces available for other campus and community groups to host special events that fulfill those purposes.  The Library retains the right to refuse any event that does not meet these guidelines and to refuse space to those who have not met the guidelines in the past.  The Library does not advocate or necessarily endorse the viewpoints of event sponsors.


For LARC 108 and 109, CSU-Pueblo faculty, staff, and recognized student organizations interested in scheduling a special event in the library should use the campus room scheduling software, available online at

For spaces in the LINC, CSU-Pueblo faculty, staff, and recognized student organizations interested in scheduling a special event should use the Library’s scheduling link available online at

CSU-Pueblo faculty, staff, and recognized student organizations receive first priority for scheduling the rooms.

CSU-Pueblo faculty, staff, and recognized student organizations interested in scheduling a special event on the LARC 1st floor only after regular library hours, should contact the Library at 719-549-2361 to enquire. Availability is contingent upon library staffing and the event sponsor is responsible for any staffing costs incurred to accommodate the event.

Community members may also be able to reserve the LARC Auditorium, the LARC Meeting Room/Classroom (108), and the Community Conference Room (LARC 236) for special events that fulfill the purposes outlined above if space is available. Interested community members should make reservations through the campus room scheduling software, available online at Charges may apply.

Library Disclaimer - The University Library cannot accommodate last minute requests or those that do not meet the purposes outlined above. Event planners should assume that a period of review may be required. The Library does not provide events consulting, catering, custodial, or security services, parking, publicity, room setup, or any other support, and reserves the right to review arrangements made for these by the event sponsor.

Event Sponsor Responsibilities

  • Event sponsors will be responsible for any damage caused to the LARC during their event.
  • Scheduling and oversight of setup must be performed by event sponsor.
  • Posters or other items must be displayed on easels, shelves, panels, tables, etc. Nothing may be taped to the LARC walls. Event sponsors may inquire with Library Administration to see if easels, display panels, or tables are available to be borrowed for display purposes during events. Event sponsors are responsible for returning any display furniture to its original locations immediately following event.
  • The library has a limited number of tables available for use in the LARC in conjunction with events. Event sponsors are responsible for returning tables to their original locations immediately following event. If event sponsor arranges for Auxiliary services or Catering to deliver tables for an event in the LARC, event sponsor is responsible to be sure tables are removed from the LARC immediately following event.
  • Regular building cleanup is provided by campus custodial services. Removal of extra debris created by the event is the responsibility of the sponsor. Furniture that is moved for an event must be returned to its original location immediately following the event.
  • Catering for any event on the CSU-Campus must be arranged through the campus food service provider, A’viands. Contact them by phone at 719.696.0662 or by email  View their catering guide at:
  • Staffing for events to be provided by sponsor. If any additional library staffing is required to accommodate an event outside of regular library hours, the event sponsor is responsible for the cost. Please contact the Library Administrative Assistant for the current rates.
  • Publicity for events to be provided by sponsor.
  • Parking arrangements to be made by sponsor. Information about parking on campus is available from the CSU-Pueblo Campus Police at 719.549.2373.
  • Expenses and Fees - Any expenses relating to event, catering, cleanup, security, and damage, to be borne by event sponsor.
  • Library spaces may not be used for commercial purposes, for the solicitation of business, for political gain, or for profit.


The Library sponsors its own displays and exhibits, and considers requests to provide temporary space for academic departments, student groups, community groups, and individual faculty, staff or students who wish to sponsor an exhibit. Library administration reserves the right to reject any proposal based on its suitability for display.

Conditions for Approval - Exhibits should satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Be physically appropriate for the library setting as determined by the Library Administration.
  2. Fulfill the purpose of library special events and exhibits as expressed above. Specifically, exhibits must be centered on themes of academic, social or artistic interest and must support the Library's goal to promote cultural appreciation and lifelong learning.
  3. Be determined suitable by Library Administration, further explained below.

Library Review of Suitability

The Library retains the right to determine the suitability of any proposed digital of physical exhibit. Library exhibition spaces are not exclusively gallery spaces and are not a public forum as such. These areas are also passageways for employees, students and members of the public of all ages to reach certain Library and academic services. Accordingly, the Library discourages proposals containing images that include significant elements of potentially offensive imagery (see CRS 18-7-502.5) or that may incite violence (see CRS 18-11-202).


  • Library spaces may not be used for commercial purposes, for the solicitation of business, for political gain, or for profit. The Library cannot engage in the sale of any artwork displayed in an exhibition, although exhibitors may provide contact information.
  • Exhibitors or authors may make copies of their works available to event attendees at a reasonable cost as a complement to the special event or exhibit provided that sale is not the sole purpose of the event. In that event, the exhibitor or author is solely responsible for the sale.
  • The Library does not advocate or necessarily endorse the viewpoints of exhibitions or exhibitors.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse an exhibit that does not meet these guidelines or to refuse an exhibitor who has not met them in the past.
  • The Library reserves the right to review and revise this policy.
  • Exhibit spaces available in the Library are reserved first for the Library's use.
  • iThe Library reserves the right to reschedule any proposed exhibit if it conflicts with the Library’s need for the exhibit space.
  • Exhibit space may be reserved for up to one month. Longer exhibits may be allowed with approval of the Library Administration. Groups should make requests for exhibit space at least one month before the date on which they wish to begin an exhibit. Requests are granted subject to space availability.
  • No group is guaranteed an exhibit date or space based on regular or yearly use of an exhibit.
  • Non-Library sponsored exhibits must include the name of the sponsoring organization as part of the exhibit.
  • Permanent exhibits in the LARC building may be approved by library administration if the items displayed belong to the University and if the requesting department provides display furniture or mounting hardware that matches existing display furniture or hardware. The library administration reserves the right to determine the location of the display and to deny requests for permanent displays based on space availability as well as suitability of the display as outlined above.


Application and Scheduling - Library Administration is the sole authority for use of exhibit spaces.

Physical Exhibits: Contact the Exhibits Coordinator through the Library's Administrative Assistant by phone at 719.542.2361, or in person in room LARC 313 for information, an exhibit application, and scheduling.

To propose an exhibit, please complete an Exhibit Request Form, available in LARC 313, which will provide the Library Administration with the following information:

  1. Name of sponsoring person or group.
  2. Description of the proposed exhibit including its proposed size and kinds of materials.
  3. Desired dates for installation and dismantling.

Digital Exhibits on the LINC Video Wall may be scheduled online at

Administration will review the proposal for suitability and will determine if exhibit space is available during the time requested. Library staff will notify the sponsor of approval or rejection of the proposal, the approved dates and location.


  • The Library does not provide insurance coverage for exhibit items. Exhibitors agree to exhibit at their own risk.
  • The Library is not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of exhibited items.
  • Any damage incurred to Library property from exhibit items is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

Installation and Dismantling

  • The Library reserves the right to reject any part of an exhibition or to change the manner of display.
  • The Library furnishes display cases and panels for hanging objects only. All methods of fastening to Library property must be approved by Library Administration.
  • Exhibitors must furnish labels for exhibit items.
  • If the Library staff must dismantle a display because the exhibitor has not removed it on time, the Library is not responsible for any damage to, or proper storage of, exhibited items.
  • If the exhibitor wishes to have an event at the Library to celebrate the exhibit, this must be applied for and scheduled with Library Administration separately from the exhibit.


Library Administration may be able to work with exhibit sponsors to publicize exhibits on the Library's homepage, newsletter, or blog. Any publicity that might attract large numbers of people must be cleared with the Administration office in advance.

Posters and Advertisements

All non-LARC posters and flyers must be approved and stamped by the Office of Marketing, Communications and Community Relations in order to be displayed in the Library. Students or non-LARC Faculty/Staff wishing to display posters or flyers IN DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY for upcoming events or other topics should contact the Circulation Supervisor (LARC 118) or Library Administration (LARC 313) for approval to post.Miscellaneous flyers should not be left on tables, walls or doors.NO materials may be taped to any surface in the Library and Academic Resources Center. The Library reserves the right to confiscate or destroy such materials. Sandwich boards or other signs may be set up in the LARC Lobby only for a limited timeframe with approval of the Library Dean.

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