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Mission and Vision


The Colorado State University Pueblo Library actively develops and empowers the campus community by integrating information literacy across the curriculum and providing collections, spaces, and services that facilitate learning, research, and innovation for a diverse and inclusive community.


The library is the preferred place for students and faculty to engage in their work and find the spaces, collections, and people they need to learn, research, and collaborate.

Library Value Statements

The following value statements provide the common threads for priority recommendations/activities. The University Library values:

Community: We value our ability to create a space for developing community through the sharing of ideas, learning, and information.

Collaboration: We value collaborations with others to achieve student and community success.

Fair and Equitable Access: We value our role in providing fair and equitable access to information, services, and library collections to all members of our community while ensuring their right to privacy.

Inclusivity: We value the diversity of our community and commit to creating inclusive environments and collections that reflect that diversity.

Intellectual Freedom: We value the freedom to disseminate ideas without restriction in order to contribute to the body of intellectual knowledge and the greater good.

Lifelong Learning: We value our role in promoting lifelong learning in our community by encouraging intellectual curiosity and supporting our patrons’ personal and professional development.

The library's services include:

  • Print and online course reserves
  • Borrowing materials from other libraries
  • Teaching research skills
  • Technology tutoring
  • Research consultations
  • Multimedia workstations
  • Laptops available for checkout
  • Printing and photocopying

Strategic Plan

The six strategic goals in this plan were developed specifically to support Vision 2028. While the library faculty and staff are engaged in many activities necessary to run the library on a day to day basis, these goals represent intentional realignment of our time and effort to assist the University in achieving its vision.

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students studying in LARC

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two students smiling
The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

University Library


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