Facilities Management

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I submit a work request for?
Maintenance Services
- Event Services Support
- Carpentry
- Painting
- Electrical
- Lighting
- Plumbing, heating ventilation & air conditioning (HVAC)
- Furniture & office moves
- Keys and Locks
How do I submit a work request?
- Select "Generate New Work Order Request" at the top of this page
- Click "Submit a Request"
- Fill in required fields
- Click "Submit"
- Your work request has been submitted. You will receive an email with your work request number.
How do I plan an event?
When help is needed for an event, there are several campus departments involved depending on the type of event.
- For Auxiliary Services related events, contact Auxiliary Services. Auxiliary Services will submit a work request for assistance needed from Facilities Management.
- For Athletic related events, contact Athletics. Athletics will submit a work request for assistance needed from Facilities Management.
- For other events, call Facilities Management at x2211.
If you are planning to move, please submit a work request.
In the work request, mention the location you are moving from and to, a point of contact, a reliable phone number along with preferred date/time in the description box. Facilities personnel will contact you to confirm it.
Desks and file cabinets need to be emptied into boxes and labeled. Facilities personnel do not pack your boxes. If you are needing moving boxes, please note that in your work request and the warehouse will try to accommodate your request.
Surplus Property
To dispose of old furniture:
- Complete the EACR and email the completed form to frank.johnson@csupueblo.edu
- Please submit a work request. Fill out the information and specify exactly what needs to be picked up and where it is located.
If you are in need of another bookshelf, chair, desk, table, or file cabinet, you can request them through a work order as well. In the description, please let us know exactly what you are looking for. Facilities will try to accommodate your request with what we have in storage.