Auxiliary Services
Welcome to the Auxiliary Services division of CSU Pueblo. Auxiliary Services is responsibility for the departments, services, and University programs found on the left navigation of this website.
Auxiliary Services Mission Statement:
Auxiliary Services provides dining and vending services, rental space, housing and childcare facilities, coordination of conference arrangements, and management of the Occhiato Student Center, including the Colorado State University Pueblo bookstore. Serving both the University’s internal and external public, Auxiliary Services supports the University’s strategic planning goals and objectives in its general operation focus of excellence, intellectual and civic engagement, creative functions and environment, information access, campus life enhancement and positive service.
Did you Know?
- CSU Pueblo IDs
- Packages for On-Campus Residents
- Lost and Found
- Meeting and Event Space
- Exclusive Dining Partner
Have you lost an item on campus? We may have it. (Lost and Found)
Aladdin Dining Services is the exclusive dining partner for CSU Pueblo. Whether you need catering, a delicious meal, or tasty snack, Aladdin is here to partner with you. (Aladdin's website)
Please note all group dining in the Cafe or catering on CSU Pueblo campus is billed based on the guaranteed number of diners eating that meal. If the actual guest count exceeds the guaranteed number, then the invoice will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of diners. Please see policies on Aladdin Catertrax Policy page. (CaterTrax Policies)