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Academic Advising

Students meeting with their academic advisor

Get Connected with an Academic Advisor

Academic Success Coaching

Advising and Academic Success Coaching begins in the CSU Pueblo PACK Center. From your first day on campus, you will have a Success Team on your side to make sure you get the right classes at the right time, finish them successfully, and feel supported and confident all the way to graduation.

For more information about Academic Success Coaching, click on the the link below:

Academic Success Coaching

How can advising help me?

Regular advising will:

Provide the shortest route possible to the degree
Provide information about pre-requisites and co-requisites for required courses and for post-graduate professional schools
Provide information on career options, internships, and research/project opportunities
Provide help in selecting and managing course load and in developing strategies to improve academic performance
Provide help to meet application deadlines for graduation
Provide information on where to get questions answered (via referral to campus resources)

Expectations for Advisors and Students

What can I expect from my advisor?

My advisor is available by appointment for advising
My advisor is familiar with degree requirements, deadlines, current departmental offerings, computer resources, and offices that offer special assistance to students
My advisor maintains confidentiality with respect to my personal and academic information
My advisor has access to DARS and AIS and can advise me on my academic progress

What are my responsibilities in pursuing and planning my degree?

To understand University policies that affect my educational goals (as specified in the University catalog and the Student Handbook)
To declare my major as soon as I have made a decision
To meet or contact my advisor for registration advice and for additional help as often as needed (a minimum of once a semester)
To be aware of my own progress toward a degree using degree audit reporting system (DARS) and 4-year academic planning sheets
To prepare for registration by reviewing my 4 year plan and choosing courses for the next semester BEFORE my advising appointment
To make sure that I know my advisor and that my advisor knows me

Frequently Asked Questions


    How do I find out who my advisor is?

    If you are a new student and have never attended college or have transferred in less than 13 credits, your first advisor at CSU-Pueblo will be an advisor in the First Year Program. You can go to the Center for Academic Enrichment to look up your advisor or call 719.549.2584. If you are in your third semester at CSU-Pueblo or are a transfer student with 13 transferable hours, you will see a departmental advisor in your major.

    Contact the department of your major to determine who your advisor will be. If you are currently listed as Undeclared, you will see Sandy Brice who can be reached at 719.549.2547 if your last name starts with the letters M-Z, or David Peralta who can be reached at 719.549.2495 if your last name starts with the letters A-L, both in the Center for Academic Enrichment.


    When do I need to see my advisor?

    All students must meet with or contact an advisor prior to registration for the next semester. Students should also meet with their advisor prior to making schedule changes, when dropping or withdrawing from classes, or whenever you have a question or concern about your academic progress.


    How do I decide on a major?

    Choosing a major should take into consideration your talents, preferences, values, and abilities. Career assessments are available to help you with making this decision.

    Doing your own research about particular majors and careers (talking to departmental advisors, shadowing professionals in particular careers, looking at career-oriented websites, etc.) will also help you decide on a major. The Career Center is also a resource which can give you assistance and guidance in choosing a major.


    Do I need to see more than one advisor?

    If a student has a double major or a major and a minor, the student should see a departmental advisor in both majors or the major and the minor to make sure all the requirements are being met.


    Why do I need to see an advisor in my major?

    Departmental advisors can better assist you in making sure you are taking the right classes in the correct sequence. They can also give you valuable information about career choices, careers appropriate for the major, and graduate schools.


    How do I register for classes?

    Students must see an advisor before they can register for classes. After the advisor has cleared you to register, you can log in to the PAWS system by putting in your PID number and PIN number. You will need to go to the registration webpage and choose the department and course number of the class you need.

    Click on the green button next to the class section you want to enroll in. After you have finished choosing classes, be sure to view your schedule to make sure the choices shown are what you intended.


    Why is there a hold or restriction on my registration?

    There are several reasons for restrictions or holds on your ability to register or change your schedule. Call the number that is displayed as part of the registration restriction message in PAWS to determine what you must do to have the restriction lifted.


    How do I calculate my grade point average (GPA)?

    To calculate your grade point average (GPA) divide the quality points by credit hours.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.
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