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Pack Pantry

Pack Pantry

Welcome to the CSU Pueblo Pack Pantry!

This service was brought to the CSU Pueblo campus first by individuals who recognized the food insecurity on campus. That knowledge soon turned into a search for a non-paid intern to take on the installation and coordination of the food pantry. Autumn Black, now an alumnus of CSU Pueblo and a former student of the President’s Leadership Program, undertook the pantry project in January 2014 and continued coordinating the Pack Pantry until her graduation in May 2015.

The Pack Pantry serves any student, faculty, or staff member of CSU Pueblo that is seeking aid in their struggle with food insecurity. The pantry is a partner agency to the Care and Share Food Bank of Southern Colorado and receives and purchases food items from the Care and Share Warehouse in Pueblo, as well as in-kind donations and monetary donations from donors. The pantry is located in Occhiato Student Center 007.

Each client is asked to present their CSU Pueblo ID to verify they are an entity of CSU Pueblo and will sign in with their PID at the pantry entrance.


The mission of the Pack Pantry is to provide food and personal hygiene items to students, faculty, and staff of the CSU Pueblo campus during financially hard times.


The vision of the Pack Pantry is to eliminate food insecurity on the CSU Pueblo campus.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142

Pack Pantry

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