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  • CAMPUS CLOSED: Monday, January 20


    CSU Pueblo campuses will close Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Essential services remain open.

Provost's Office

The Office of the Provost is responsible for ensuring the quality of student learning by overseeing the curriculum and leading new initiatives in higher education. The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer for Colorado State University Pueblo. In this capacity, the Provost ensures the integrity of all academic programs, and that they are of the highest quality. This includes roles in facilitating the establishment of programs, policies, procedures and standards.

The Provost provides leadership to academic programs in supporting and continually enhancing curriculum, teaching, research, and outreach, collaboratively working with faculty, students, and staff. The Provost primarily works with the academic deans, the faculty senate, student government leaders, Extended Studies, the Center for Honors and Leadership, the PACK Center, several externally funded programs, and other areas not formally housed within academic affairs including the Registrar’s office and Information Technology.

The Office of the Provost is eager to help students find answers to their questions and to ensure that their experiences at CSU Pueblo meet or exceed expectations. Students and others can reach the Provost Office at 719.549.2313 or ​​​

Recent Updates in Academic Affairs

Welcome back to campus for 2024-25! Here is important information on changes within Academic Affairs and a leadership opportunity in support of student academic success.

School of Nursing

The CSU Board of Governors approved a stand-alone School of Nursing and a rename of the College of Health, Education and Nursing to the College of Health and Education (CHE) beginning July 1, 2024.  The Nursing programs at CSU pueblo have an over 60-year history at CSU Pueblo and has become a cornerstone of CAUP’s academic programmatic offerings with BSN, MSN and DNP programs offered in person in Pueblo and Walsenburg (as of Fall 2024) and online.  CSUP produces extremely well-prepared nurses who are sought out by our local and regional health providers.
Dr. Susan Belport has been selected to serve as Interim Dean and Director of the School of Nursing while a national search for a Dean.  Dr. Belport has served in the capacity of Interim Associate Dean and Director of Nursing for the last year and successfully navigated the recent ACEN re-accreditation process for the BSN program and completed the Walsenburg Nursing initiative in partnership with Dr. Starkey, Dean of Extended Studies.  I look forward to having her as part of the Academic Affairs leadership team.  Dr. Carol Foust will continue as Dean of the College of Health and Education.


Hasan School of Business

Dr. William Donoher, Dean of the Hasan School of Business, submitted his resignation in May and will be leaving at the end of July.  In his short time as HSB dean Dr. Donoher worked with the HSB faculty and staff to prepare for this year’s AASCSB accreditation visit by rewriting the HSB Bylaws, initiating plans to strengthen and improve HSB’s programmatic assessment and HSB’s societal impact.  I have appreciated Dr. Donoher’s thorough evaluation and assessment of issues and the respect he provides to all he engages with.
After discussions with several senior HSB faculty concerning an interim dean, I am pleased to announce that Dr. Michelle DenBeste will serve as interim Dean for the Hasan School of Business next year to provide leadership and ensure a smooth transition for the permanent HSB dean.  Dr. DenBeste’s leadership experience is well suited to serve as interim dean for next year.  She served as dean for five years at California State University Fresno and provost for three years at Central Washington University where she was well liked and trusted by the faculty.

Student Success and PACK Center Leadership

I am excited to announce that Abby Davidson has been selected to serve as Assistant Provost for Student Success.  Abby will report to me and work very closely with Associate Provost, Dr. Helen Caprioglio on all initiatives related to student success, particularly, new student onboarding, retention, and continuation. Abby comes with a wealth of experience in supporting student success: most recently she directed the Title III grant program MAPS in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics.  She is committed to the CSU Pueblo HSI/MSI mission and the students we serve, supporting them academically and personally.

The Assistant Provost for Student Success will oversee the Pack Center and the Career Center and will also coordinate with our partners in Enrollment Management, Extended Studies and Student Affairs to ensure efforts to recruit and onboard new students are well-coordinated and supported by Academic Affairs.  This position will support all initiatives that advance academic success of students such as college/school tutoring centers by ensuring there is consistency in terms of training and assessment as well as developing metrics to ensure we meet our student success goals.

Provost Faculty Fellowship Program

The Provost Office offers professional development opportunities for tenured and tenure-track faculty members through the Provost Faculty Fellowship Program which began Spring 2024. This program is designed to develop leadership skills at the campus level for those wishing to learn more about university-wide structures and initiatives. Applicants must be tenured faculty. Provost Fellows will have the opportunity to attend National meetings pertaining to the Fellowship area, funded by the Provost’s Office.

Faculty Fellows for 2024-25 are:

  • Leadership and Professional Development: Dr. Chris Piccici
  • General Education Assessment Leadership: Dr. Jonathan Rees
Spring 2024 Faculty Fellow for Graduate Studies was Dr. Yaneth Correa-Martinez.
The Extended Studies 2024-25 NACEP Faculty Fellow is Dr. Katie Brown.

Academic Affairs Councils-members


    Dean's Council

    Members (2024-25) Area of Representation
    Dr. Gail Mackin Provost
    Dr. Helen Caprioglio Provost Office and Academic Affairs
    Dr. Michelle DenBeste Hasan School of Business
    Dr. Carol Foust College of Health & Education
    Dr, Susan Belport School of Nursing
    Dr. David Lehmpuhl College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math 
    Dr. Rhonda Gonzales Manzanares Library Services
    Dr. Kathryn Starkey Extended Studies
    Dr. Leticia Steffen College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    Dr. John Vasquez Graduate Studies, Research and Sponsored Programs

    Academic Council

    Members (2024-25) Area of Representation
    Dr. Helen Caprioglio (chair) Provost Office & Academic Affairs
    Dr. Susan Belport School of Nursing
    Abby Davidson Student Success
    Dr. Michelle DenBeste Hasan School of Business
    Dr. Carol Foust College of Health & Education
    Dr. Marie Humphrey Student Affairs
    Dr. Sylvester Kalevela School of Engineering
    Dr. David Lehmpuhl College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math 
    Dr. Rhonda Gonzales Manzanares University Library Services
    Dr. Margaret Massey Faculty Senate
    Dr. Lucie Menjivar Student Affairs
    Shelly Moreschini President's Leadership Program
    Dr. Chris Picicci Professional Development Fellow
    Dr. Jeff Piquette School of Education
    Adam Pocius Information Technology Services
    Dr. Jonathan Rees Gen Ed Assessment Fellow
    Dr. Gary Salazar Adult Learning
    TBD Hasan School of Business
    Dr. Kathryn Starkey Extended Studies
    Dr. Leticia Steffen College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    Dr. John Vasquez Graduate Studies and Research
    Dr. David Volk Center for Honors & Leadership
    Krista Bridgmon College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
    TBD Chair's Council

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students studying in LARC

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two students smiling
The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

Provost's Office


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