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  • CAMPUS CLOSED: Monday, January 20


    CSU Pueblo campuses will close Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Essential services remain open.

Assessment and Student Learning

two students in the classroom

Academic Assessment

Sound assessment processes and high academic standards are vital components of maintaining and enhancing the quality of learning at Colorado State University-Pueblo. The Provost's office is committed to promoting understanding of and engagement in academic program assessment. 
LARC building

Institutional Assessment

Assessment campus-wide informs continual improvement.
Two students working in rec center

General Education Assessment

General education and its assessment are managed by the CSU-Pueblo General Education Board. Learn more about Board members and their activities for General education assessment.
Fountain on campus

Institutional Effectiveness Committee

The IEC brings together faculty, students, and staff from across campus to identify areas where improvement might be initiated and then make recommendations for change. 


GCB Building artwork


Documents, presentations, and links for assessment.

Provost’s Office

The Provost’s Office supports assessment efforts in a number of ways. Through the Assistant Provost for Assessment, Learning, and Effectiveness, regular communication and collaboration is established among the President’s Office, Finance and Administration, the schools and colleges, the University Library, Extended Studies, and Student Affairs.

Institutional assessment such as surveys and management of the campus assessment reporting system is conducted through the Provost’s Office. While CSU-Pueblo values shared leadership and responsibility for assessment, the Provost’s Office assures that assessment activities are consistent with its mission statement and generally accepted standards for good practices.

Discover CSU Pueblo

students studying in LARC

Request more information about our degree programs, activities, sports, application process, and more!

Request Information


two students smiling
The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

Provost's Office


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