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Computer and Internet Use Policy

The Colorado State University Pueblo Library in cooperation with Information Technology Services provides free access to computers and the Internet to support the scholarly, education and information needs of the University’s diverse community of library users. The Internet provides access to a vast array of information, ideas, and research tools, including materials beyond the scope of resources selected by the Library.

While the Internet presents material that is personally, culturally and professionally enriching for all ages, it also provides access to some material that may be offensive, disturbing, inaccurate or even illegal under United States or Colorado law. As with other library materials, librarians and staff do not endorse any viewpoints represented on the Internet. They are not responsible for the content of Internet resources other than those developed on official Library webpages or sites selected for inclusion in the Library’s online catalog. They are also not responsible for censoring access or protecting individuals from controversial or offensive material. Librarians and staff will offer assistance, guidance and instruction on using the Internet as a research and information tool. Parents, legal guardians, or care providers are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet and for intentional or inadvertent viewing or reading of other users’ screens. It is the responsibility of library users to analyze and scrutinize information on the Internet for reliability and point of view. To encourage the free exploration of ideas, which is central to the University’s education and research missions, the Library endorses: 

In order to balance the freedoms outlined above with the responsibility to provide an inviting, secure, and respectful environment for all its users, the Library will enforce the following rules on use of computers within the University Library. These rules apply to all library patrons and supplement and interpret University-wide policies on use of computing resources.

  1. First priority for use of computers is accorded to Colorado State University Pueblo students, faculty, and staff.
  2.  Use of computing resources is a privilege that depends on individuals using the resources appropriately and in accordance with University policies and local, state, and federal laws. These laws and policies govern, among others, illegal access to computer systems, networks, and files (University ITS policies), copyright infringement (Copyright Law of the United States Title 17, U. S. Code, Sections 101-122), and sexual misconduct and sexual harassment issues (University Sexual Harassment Policy) and Student Conduct Code (Article III, Section A.8). Repeated violations will result in loss of privileges.
  3. At times, the demand for library computer equipment exceeds availability. You are asked to be sensitive to the needs of others and limit equipment use during times of heavy demand. The Library staff may take additional steps to regulate computer use, such as restricting email access or setting time limits.
  4. Due to the public nature of the Libraries, individuals should demonstrate respect for individuals’ rights to privacy and freedom from intimidation or harassment. You are asked to be sensitive to the fact that some on-screen images, sounds, or messages create an atmosphere of intimidation or harassment for others. Library staff will take steps to maintain an environment conducive to study and research. Concerns or complaints related to unlawful harassment will be reported to the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity in ADM304 or by phone at 719.549.2210.
  5. Use of computer equipment for recreational purposes such as game playing may at times deter others from using workstations for educational or research purposes, and otherwise make the Library less conducive to study. Library staff may intervene to ensure optimal access to computers for educational and research purposes.
  6. We welcome the use of laptops and other personal computing devices in the Library. Users may connect personal equipment only to the wireless network, or to ports designated for such use. Users may not unplug any Library equipment or cables for any reason. Use of personal equipment, such as extension, adaptor, or power cords must not pose a safety hazard for others. Use of personal computing devices is subject to same policies outlined above for campus desktop computers.

Patrons who fail to comply with the conditions of this policy will be subject to recourse appropriate to the rule or law broken. Library staff members have the right to enforce these policies and to call campus security or the sheriff’s department if necessary.

Approved 8/2015 RG

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