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Library Use Policy

Use of the Colorado State University Pueblo Library is a privilege extended to all students, faculty and staff of the institution as well as community members needing to conduct research. The Library, in its role of collaborating to achieve the academic mission of the institution, strives to provide an inviting, respectful, and secure environment for all its patrons to engage in intellectual pursuits. To ensure that this environment is maintained, students are asked to follow the Guide to Student Conduct, administered by Student Life. In addition, all patrons are subject to applicable university policies including the campus Sexual Harassment policies and applicable Information Technology Service policies. Local, state and federal laws governing libraries and general issues of conduct in public places will be upheld at all times. Library patrons who do not adhere to these and the following policies may have their library privileges revoked.

Illegal Activity

The following are illegal under Colorado or federal law:

  • Unauthorized downloading, copying, distributing, altering or translating of copyrighted materials, including software, music or other media without the express permissions of the copyright holder.
  • The use of any state property for the viewing or transmission of child pornography.
  • Possession or consumption of federally or locally illegal or unauthorized substances on state property.
  • Open possession of weapons or concealed weapons without a permit on state property, except by a police officer.

Library staff will contact the sheriff’s department immediately in response to these activities.

Confidentiality of Library Records

In accordance with the Library Records Confidentiality Act of The State of Colorado, all Library registration and circulation records are considered confidential information. Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.24-90-119).

Disruptive Behavior

Please be aware of other users' study needs. The Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors are defined as general service areas. In these areas, conversation at a reasonable voice level is expected. Specially designated quiet study areas are available on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors of the University Library. Group and individual study spaces are also available throughout the LARC building. However, throughout the LARC, persons engaging in loud or disruptive behavior, or any activity defined by the Colorado Revised Statutes as disorderly conduct (C.R.S. 18-9-106) will be asked to modify or cease the disruption. Library staff members have the authority to determine if behavior is disruptive and may call campus security or the sheriff’s department if necessary.

Community Patrons including 

IB/AP High School, PCC, and Visiting Students

Community members are allowed to use the library’s collections and research services. In order to use the computers, community members must obtain a Library ID (LID) card at the first floor circulation desk. LID cardholders receive an account to log on to specific computers on the first floor of the library. Funds may be added to this card for printing and photocopying. For more information about LID cards, please refer to the Library’s LID Policy. Because students, staff, and faculty are the library’s primary clientele, community members may be asked to relinquish a computer if it is needed by a CSU Pueblo researcher. Community members may check out a limited number of items from the library collections. For more information, please see the Library’s Circulation Policy. Finally, any community member who is using the library in a way that interferes with the library’s students, faculty, or staff may be asked to leave or may have his or her library privileges revoked permanently at the discretion of the Library Dean. 

Cell Phones

Ringing cell phones and audible phone conversations can disturb those trying to study. Patrons should use the vibrate feature on their cell phones anywhere in the Library. In addition, if a phone conversation extends beyond a brief exchange, patrons should relocate outside of the building or to the Lobby on the 1st floor.


All library computers are equipped with sound cards. Headphones must be used to listen to audio or video streams or other audible files, except in enclosed study rooms. Please use headphones on or in the ear; using headphones as speakers is not permitted. Please note that because of hygienic concerns, the library does not supply headphones for personal use. Please bring your own headphones to use. Headphones may be available for purchase in the vending machine on the Library’s 1st floor.

Food and Beverages

Library patrons may take food and beverages in closed containers only to any library area where these are not specifically prohibited (e.g., Computer lab areas, Archives Reading Room). Food is not permitted at computer workstations.

Damage to Library Property

Any behavior which may damage Library equipment, collections, or facilities is strictly prohibited. Protection of Library materials is defined under Colorado Revised Statutes C.R.S. 24-90-117, pertaining to theft or mutilation, and C.R.S. 18-4-509, pertaining to defacing property. Library staff will report such activity to the sheriff’s department.

Computer Use

The Library’s Computer and Internet Use Policy governs the use of all computers in the Library.

Children in the Library

Parents or guardians are responsible for the actions of children under the age of 18. Young children should not be left unattended. Parents are also responsible for supervising their child’s research or computer usage. The Library does not provide filtering devices for its Internet access computers nor otherwise censor the information within its collections.


Only service animals are allowed in the library.

Personal Property

The Library has no facilities for the secure storage of personal property and will not be responsible for lost property. Please inquire at the circulation desk for lost or found items.

Do not leave personal belongings unattended.


The Library does not have staffing or facilities available for proctoring of tests. Students registered with the Disability Resource Office should contact that office for proctoring of exams. Extended Studies students can contact the Division of Extended Studies for assistance with proctoring.

Approved 9/04/24 RGM

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