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Circulation Policy

The University Library is open to everyone. According to Colorado State Law C.R. 24-90-119, the name of the borrower of library materials cannot be released to anyone except with a court order. The following are policies for each category of borrower:

Colorado State University Pueblo: Undergraduate Students

Colorado State University Pueblo (CSU Pueblo) students with a valid student ID may check out an unlimited number of books and government documents for a 4-week period and audiovisual materials for a one-week period from the University Library. Materials may be renewed up to 3 times by phone, online, and in person. Library materials are subject to recall after 14 days or 2 weeks.

The Prospector system provides borrowing from major state and regional libraries, and allows up to 70 requests at a given time. Items are loaned for 6 weeks for all patrons, with occasional 1 week loans for items from Pascal and select media items. There are no renewals on Prospector items.

When items are placed on hold and checked out through our shared online catalog with CSU Ft. Collins Morgan Library, the loan period is 4 weeks for undergraduates, with the possibility of 3 renewals. Students must use their own ID to check out materials and are responsible for any materials checked out on their ID card. In the event an ID card is lost or stolen the student must report this immediately to the Circulation staff. A staff member will place a block on the ID, so that no additional materials can be checked out on it and no fines charged against it.

Colorado State University Pueblo: Faculty, Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, and Graduate Students

Faculty, administrative staff, classified staff, and graduate students with proper identification may check out books for a 6-month checkout period with 3 renewals, both locally and through the shared catalog with CSU Ft. Collins. Audiovisual materials may be borrowed for a one-week period. Materials may be renewed up to three (3) times by phone, online, and in person. Library materials are subject to recall after 14 days, or 2 weeks.

Prospector Catalog

The Prospector system provides borrowing from major state and regional libraries, and allows up to 70 requests at a given time, with 1 renewal. Items are loaned for 3 weeks, though some audiovisual materials may have more limited loan periods, usually of 1 week, with no renewals. If all copies of a specific title are checked out, a hold may be placed, but items may not be recalled.

Community Patrons 

Community members are welcome to check out materials at the University Library. They may check out 4 items with a valid driver’s license. Books and government documents check out for 4 weeks and audiovisual materials check out for 1 week with renewal privileges. Materials may be renewed up to 3 times by phone, online, and in person. Library materials are subject to recall after 14 days or 2 weeks.

Colorado Library Card (CLC)

The Colorado Library Card (CLC) is a program that allows walk-in patrons to check out materials from any participating library in the state. Patrons with the proper identification may check out up to 4 items. Books and government documents may be checked out for 4 weeks and audiovisual materials for 1 week with renewal privileges.

In Pueblo, a public library card is also a (CLC) card. CSU Pueblo students may use their official CSU-Pueblo ID card to check out library materials at all participating libraries in Colorado.

CSU-Pueblo LID Card (LID)

The University Library also offers community patrons the option of purchasing a Library ID (LID) card for $5.00, which allows the patron to check out up to 10 items. The LID card also offers a patron Prospector and Interlibrary Loan privileges and computer and printing privileges when money is added to the card at the Card Value machine in the Library. To purchase an LID card the patron must fill out an application form at the circulation desk.


All materials except reserve items are subject to recall for use by another patron. All patrons can use an item for a minimum of 14 days. When the item is recalled, the patron has up to 10 days to return the item, unless it is already overdue; then the item must be returned immediately. Recalled items not returned within the appropriate recall dates are subject to fines of .25 cents a day.

Recalls cannot be placed on Prospector items. If items are recalled by CSU Ft. Collins Library, charges will be assessed for overdue Recalls at $5.00 for the first day, and $2.50 thereafter up to a maximum charge of $25.00 on a per-item per-day basis. Borrowing privileges will be blocked if a recalled item is overdue. CSU Ft. Collins Library materials over 45 days overdue will have replacement and billing fees assessed.

Library Materials: Overdue Fines

All CSU Pueblo and Prospector materials are subject to the following fines and lost or damaged fees.

Audiovisual fines are $1.00 per day. No patron is immune from audiovisual fines. The maximum overdue fine for audiovisual materials is $35.00 per item.

Reserve fines are $5.00 for the first hour and $2.50 for each succeeding hour. The maximum fine for reserve items is $25.

Laptop and iPad fines are $5.00 for the first hour and $2.50 for each succeeding hour. See the complete Library Technology Equipment Agreement Form for more information.

Library patrons will receive three overdue notices, a final overdue notice, and a billing notice. Final overdue notices for all patrons are sent when an item is 70 days overdue.

Faculty, staff, and students, who accrue fines of $100.00 or over, or a lost book fee of $100.00, will lose their general circulation privileges until the fine is paid. If an item is returned after the patron has been billed, they are refunded $95 ($100 minus a $5 processing fee). If the patron chooses to replace the item with a valid or new item, they will still need to pay the $5 processing fee. Community patrons are assessed the same fines as students. Library privileges of community patrons are automatically blocked until fines are paid and/or books returned.

Lost and Damaged Library Materials

A billing notice is sent approximately 3 weeks after the final notice is sent. The billing notice is the last notice generated, and encumbers the patron with the CSU Pueblo Accounting Office for the cost of replacing the item. If the charge has been paid for a lost item and the item is later returned within 60 days of payment, the money will be refunded or credited to the patron’s account at the Accounting Office, minus a processing fee of $5.00. If the item is returned after 60 days, no refund will be given.

The patron who loses or irreparably damages a book will be given the choice of paying the lost book charge of $100.00 or providing a replacement copy, preferably brand new or in nearly new condition, of the book subject to the approval of the Acquisitions Technician III. It must be given to the library within sixty days of receipt of the missing book notice. If a patron chooses the replacement option, they will be charged a $5.00 processing fee. The Acquisitions Technician III will select an acceptable replacement when the money is paid, if a book is no longer in print.

The replacement charge for each lost or irreparably damaged government document item or bound periodical is $100.00. The charge for lost or damaged audiovisual materials is the current library replacement cost as determined by the Acquisitions Technician III. See the complete Library Technology Equipment Agreement Form for more information on lost or damaged laptops and iPads.

Lost or damaged materials fees for Interlibrary Loan materials are addressed in the Interlibrary Loan policy, and vary according to the policies of the lending library which provided the item.

Patron charges for lost items (including Prospector and interlibrary loan materials) are automatically placed on accounts receivable at the CSU Pueblo Accounting Office. Fines totaling $20.00 or more are also placed on accounts receivable. Once library fines are placed on accounts receivable, these fines can block class registration and graduation if they are not paid.

Approved 8/2015/rg
Edited 8/2018 ktp

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