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Frequently Asked Questions


    How do I submit a Work Order?

    To put in requests for repairs in your room or on your floor, you can submit a work order form. It can be found here.

    The University’s Maintenance Services will respond to requests beginning with the most urgent repairs.

    Work orders are viewed Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

    If you have an emergency maintenance request (power outage, leaking, flooding, broken window, broken door lock, broken lights), you must contact the front desk or the RA on call. You may also contact the main Residence Life & Housing office at 719.549.2602.


    How do I apply for Housing?

    In order to begin the Housing Application process, you will first need your PAWS account and your PID. If you do not have either of those or are unsure of what it is, please contact our Office of Auxiliary Services at (719)-549-2149 for more information.

    Once you are able, please log into the PAWS app from our main CSU Pueblo webpage. From there, you will be able to click on a link titled Housing. This link will take you to a new page in the PAWS app, from which you can click a second link "Housing Application". This link will open a new tab, containing our Housing-specific application.

    On this new page, you will see a list of options. If you are a new student, you will click on the link which reads “New Student –Residence Hall Application”. If you are not a new student, you will click on whichever link applies to you instead.

    This link will take you to the Housing Application form. You will fill out this form completely, filling in all the required information and following whatever instructions it has. Towards the end of the form, it will present you with a PDF copy of the Housing Agreement. You do not need to print out or download this agreement (though you can of course save a copy of it for your own records if you wish)- selecting the “I Agree” button underneath is all you need to do in order to “sign” it.

    Once your application is completed and submitted, we will receive it automatically, though it may take a few days for it to process. However, your application will not be approved or finalized until you have paid the Housing Application Fee.

    The Housing Application Fee is a standard charge all new students must pay before they live on campus. It is a one-time-only fee, meaning you will not have to pay it again for living on campus each consecutive year, and it is non-refundable. It is not a deposit and you will not have to pay a separate deposit in addition to the Housing Application Fee.

    The Housing Application Fee is $150 (USD) and is paid by credit/debit card via the link provided in the application.

    Once your Housing Application Fee has been paid, processed, and approved, your application itself will also be approved within a few days. Once it has been approved, you will receive an email to your PAWS account with how to select your room. This will show us which room you would prefer to live in during the school year. It does not guarantee that you will get that living space- we may have to make changes in order to accommodate certain situations- but it does make it much more likely that you will live in that room.

    To select a room, return to the Housing App through the link in your PAWS account. You will see a new link, underneath the “New Student – Residence Hall Application” link or whichever application that you filled out previously. This new link will read “Select a Room”. Clicking on it will take you to another form, which will allow you to search through the Residence Halls in order to select the specific room you want to live in for the coming semester. This will most likely be the room you live in for both Fall and Spring semesters.

    You will only be able to select rooms that have not yet been selected by other people- the room selection form works on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Crestone and Culebra Halls are primarily for first-year students. Greenhorn Hall is primarily for older students, but exceptions are sometimes made. Walking Sticks Apartments, however, are strictly only for sophomores and above. First-year students cannot live in Walking Sticks.

    If you selected to live on a Living Learning Community (LLC) floor as part of your Housing Application, then we still ask that you please select a room. We do not know the final location of the LCCs yet, as we do not yet know how many students will want to live on each. So if you wish to live on an LLC, pick a room that you prefer in case you are not selected for the LLC. Most likely you will be moved to the LLC floor you chose before school starts, but in the unlikely event that there is not enough room in that LLC for everyone, you may remain in the room that you selected as part of the room selection process.

    Notice: If you do NOT select a room by July 31, we will assign a room for you from what is available.


    Am I required to live on campus?

    Students are required to live on campus for their first two years (typically freshman and sophomore) after high school graduation. This is true even if you are a transfer student.

    However, there are a few specific reasons why a student might be permitted to live off-campus for these years. You can apply for an exemption if you:

    • Are 21 years old, or older
    • Are married or have a child
    • Are under significant financial duress
    • Have a serious medical condition or accommodation
    • Are living with your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) within 50 miles of the CSU Pueblo campus

    If you meet any of these criteria or have some other extenuating circumstance that you believe warrants a housing exemption, and you do not want to live on campus during the school year, you can request Housing Exemption at the form here.

    Exemption requests are handled on a case-by-case basis. Please allow up to a full work week for requests to be processed and reviewed before expecting a response.

    Is there a deposit or application fee for housing?

    There is no deposit for CSU Pueblo Residence Life & Housing. However, you will have to pay a $150 non-refundable Housing Application Fee.


    What is the Housing Application Fee?

    The Housing Application Fee is a one-time, non-refundable charge which all incoming students must pay if they are going to be living on campus. The charge is $150.00 (USD), and must be paid before you can be assigned a room. You will be prompted to pay the fee when you complete the housing application.



    Unfortunately, CSU Pueblo cannot provide housing for married couples or students with children at this time. Off-campus housing information for those students is available from Auxiliary Services, located on the second floor of the Occhiato Student Center (OSC) or at (719)-549-2149.


    What about the University Village at Walking Stick Apartments?

    The University Village at Walking Sticks apartments (or simply Walking Stick Apartments) are on-campus apartment units operated by CSU Pueblo Residence Life and Housing. They are designed for our upper-class and graduate students. Agreements for Walking Sticks are per bedroom, not per unit. No meal plan is required to live in the Walking Stick Apartments (each unit has its own kitchen). There is free laundry facility locating in Walking Sticks Club House for the residents of Walking Stick apartments. The apartments do not follow the same break schedule as the three residence halls. Residents may reside in their apartment over Fall Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break but they must complete the break application so that we know who is on campus for safety and security purposes.

    Do students ever get assigned to halls or rooms they did not request?

    Unfortunately, yes. We cannot always accommodate every room request we receive. We try to place students in the rooms they requested, but they may be assigned to other rooms or halls due to various reasons. If a student applies early, they have a better chance of selecting the room style or location they desire but as we get closer to fall semester, the availability is extremely low so the likelihood of the desired room style or location being open is lower. After July 31, we assign all students who have a completed application but have not chosen a bed.


    Can I request a specific roommate?

    Yes. You and another person may request each other as roommates on your Housing Application form. However, since you are selecting your room in the system, you'd have to select a completely empty room for the system to allow you to "pull in" your roommate - assuming your roommate has completed their application. If there are no completely empty double rooms, you'll need to select a bed and then each of you can request a room change. Room changes are reviewed after the 2nd week of opening. We have to wait to make sure everyone arrived and once we know where openings are, we can assess what moves are possible.

    I've applied for housing at CSU Pueblo but I've decided not to come to school here. How do I cancel my application?

    To cancel your housing contract, you must fill out the Cancellation Form which can be found on the forms page. Please remember that the $150 Application Fee is non-refundable. The cancellation form is only for students who are not attending or not required to live on and are canceling prior to the beginning of the contracted period. Students wishing to be released from their contract after the start date will need to complete the Release from Housing Form found on the forms page.


    Staffing: What is an RA?

    RA stands for “Resident Assistant”. They are the first contact for residents to gain support, to receive help with problems, or to acquire information about living on campus. An RA can assist with all sorts of things, from answering general questions, to providing mediation between roommates, to organizing events.

    RAs are student workers who help manage the residence halls and apartments. They are full-time students who have lived on-campus for at least a year, and each one has gone through an extensive hiring and training process. Each floor (in the residence halls) or block (at the Walking Stick Apartments) is assigned an RA, who lives there full-time. Each RA has designated duty hours as well as shifts at the front desk where they are available to help with any problem.


    RLC stands for “Residence Life Coordinator”. They are graduate-level university staff, with housing experience who are working on their Master's Degree. They supervise the RAs in their assigned building and the day-to-day administration of housing. AC stands for "Area Coordinator". The ACs are professional university staff who have housing experience and have or are working on their Master's degree. The ACs supervise the RLC and RAs in their assigned area. RLCs and ACs also assist in various things and if there is a question that your RA can’t answer, go to your RLC/AC.

    Each building is assigned an RLC or AC. If you Karen’t sure who yours is, ask your RA.

    There is always a professional staff on-call, available to help with emergencies.


    In total, there are three Residence Halls: Crestone, Culebra, and Greenhorn. These three halls are mostly the same, except for one small difference: there is a community kitchen (with stove) in Greenhorn, a community warming station (without stove) in Crestone, and in Culebra, there is a bistro.

    Other than that, the halls are fundamentally the same. The rooms are the same sizes in every hall, and each building provides the same amenities and features: common lounge spaces, community computers and printers, wireless internet access, free laundry, and more.

    Crestone and Culebra Halls are designed for first-year students (freshmen and sophomores). Greenhorn Hall is designed for older students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors).

    Walking Sticks Apartments are a bit different. Only older students can live there - First-year Freshman cannot reside in Walking Sticks. The apartments have four rooms and two bathrooms, as well as a kitchen area and a common living area. They are larger than the suites provided in the Residence Halls.

    For more information about the room sizes and amenities, you can visit our informational page here.


    The Office of Residence Life & Housing is located on the upper floor of the Occhiato Student Center (OSC) in Room 201. We are open during normal business hours: 8am to 5pm (MT), Monday through Friday, or as posted by the University. For assistance, you can walk in and ask questions at our front desk; you can email us at; or you can call during business hours at (719)-549-2602 and we will be happy to help you.


    Each Residence Hall has the following amenities:

    • A common area with Ping-Pong table and television
    • Either a warming kitchen (Greenhorn, Crestone) or a bistro (Culebra)
    • Study lounges
    • Floor lounges
    • Wireless internet
    • Free laundry
    • Computer stations with printers
    • Vending machines
    • 24-hour on-call staff
    • Classroom or event space


    Your RA is the first resource to contact in order to address issues within the residence halls. Each hall also has a front desk that is staffed until midnight on weekdays and posted hours Friday through Sunday. Greenhorn Hall is the only front desk that is staffed 24/7.

    Can I bring bed risers to make more space under my bed?

    Do not bring bed raisers. Our bedframes are designed with adjustable height. If you want your bed raised, lowered, or lofted, please submit a work order here and our Maintenance Crew will loft or bunk the bed for you.



    In order to access our on-campus wi-fi, your device(s) must be registered with our IT department. To accomplish this, you need to log in to your TWOLF Account here to register your device. 

    Your eAccount log-in is generally your first initial, followed by your last initial, and then followed by a period and your full last name. You can change your password later, but to start it will be the default: a dollar sign, a lowercase “T”, and then your 8-digit birthdate. For example, if your name is George Washington Carver and your birthday is 1 January 2001, then your eAccount log-in would be gw.carter(, and your password is “$t01012001”.

    If this does not work for you, contact the IT Help Desk at (719)-549-2002, and they will be happy to help you.

    Once you have logged in to your eAccount, you will be able to follow the instructions to register your device. If you aren’t sure how to find the MAC address for your device, google it! It’s different for almost every type of device. If you have any further difficulties, again contact the IT Help Desk for assistance.

    Once your device is registered, it may take a up to a few hours to process. However, once it has been approved, you will be able to connect to our free campus wifi. It will always be labeled “TWolf” on your device, though that maybe be followed by a building code (for example, Greenhorn’s wifi is labeled “TWolf – GHN”.

    It is also suggested that, for faster internet experience, you bring or purchase an ethernet cord. Each bedroom has two ethernet ports, and they often provide faster ad more efficient internet connection than the wifi.

    Note: Some devices have a separate MAC address for Ethernet. In order to access the internet through wifi AND ethernet, you will have to register your device twice, each time using the correct MAC address. If you need assistance identifying the appropriate MAC address, please contact the IT Help Desk.

    Can I bring my pet?

    The only pet allowed in University Housing is a non-threatening fish in a ten-gallon or smaller aquarium.

    The only other animals permitted in the residence halls are service or assistance animals. These animals must be approved by the Disability Resources and Support Center, which will notify the Residence Life & Housing staff of the situation. More information can be found at the Disability Resources' website here.


    Where can I send/receive mail or packages?

    Each resident who requests one will be assigned a mailbox. For privacy and security reasons, your mailbox number will not be the same as your room number. In order to receive your mailbox, go to the Auxiliary Service office located on the top floor of the Occhiato Student Center (OSC).

    Once you have a mailbox, anything being sent to you will be addressed as follows:


                CSU Pueblo

                2290 Bonforte Blvd.

                Pueblo, CO 81001


    The US Post Office, FedEx, and UPS all deliver mail Monday-Friday to the Auxiliary Service office.

    Packages that are too big to fit inside your mailbox will be stored in the mailroom in the Occhiato Student Center (OSC) and a notification slip will be placed in your mailbox to let you know that it has arrived. Bring the notification slip and your student ID to the Auxiliary Service office to receive your package.


    Where can I eat on campus?

    There are a variety of eating locations available on campus.

    The primary location for dining is the school cafeteria called the Pack Cafe, which is located on the ground floor of the Occhiato Student Center (OSC). Also located in this same area are two other food vendors: Tacos Navarro and Einstein Bros. Bagels. The cafeteria is open seven days a week, for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The other food vendors are only open during the weekdays.

    Located on the ground floor of Culebra Residence Hall is a bistro, which includes a sandwich shop called Erbert’s & Gerbert’s. They are only open during the weekdays.

    There are smaller cafes and snack bars located in the Library & Academic Resource Center (LARC) and General Classroom Building (GCB). These locations sell both coffee and a wide variety of snacks and are open during the weekdays.

    Last but not least is the Pavilion, which is located outside of the Hasan School of Business (HSB) and Psychology Building (PSYCH). It supplies a variety of food, including sushi, “Good 2 Go” meals, burritos, and various snack options. It is open for breakfast and lunch, Monday through Friday.


    Can I change my meal plan?

    Your meal plan can be changed up to the end of the second week of the semester. After that point, your meal plan cannot be changed. If you do wish to change your meal plan, please contact the Office of Auxiliary Services. Their office is located on the second floor of the Occhiato Student Center (OSC), and they can also be reached by phone at (719)-549-2149.

    If you change your meal plan to a more expensive plan, the pro-rated difference will be charged to your student account. If you change to a less expensive plan, then the pro-rated difference will be refunded to your account.

    Note: Meal plans are required for all students living in the residence halls (Crestone, Culebra, and Greenhorn). If you live in Walking Sticks, a meal plan is suggested but optional.



    The University Housing Agreement is a legally binding agreement for the entire academic year. The agreement begins in August and will not end until the following May.

    Students who choose to move out of the residence halls before the end of the agreement in December, but who will remain enrolled as a full-time student at CSU Pueblo for the rest of that school year, are still financially responsible for the next semester’s room and board charges. Students are billed for room and board twice a year: once in August for the fall semester, and once in January for the spring semester. Students who move off-campus but continue to attend CSU Pueblo will still be billed for both semesters.

    If you are withdrawing from CSU Pueblo entirely and will not be attending classes at CSU Pueblo, then you will not be charged for housing for the spring semester. But you must follow the established guidelines for checkout to avoid any additional charges and to ensure that your housing and meal plans are stopped at the correct time.

    What is break stay and do I need to take home all my belongings?

    During the fall/spring academic year, we will have planned breaks, typically fall break, winter break, and spring break. During these times, residents may remain in their assigned location but will need to sign up for "Break Stay". Short breaks such as fall break and spring break do not have an additional charge, but due to its length, winter break has a nightly charge for students in the residence halls. The forms for break stay are found on the forms page. Even if there is no charge for the stay, RLH requires all residents to complete a break stay form so we are aware of who is in the buildings or apartments in case of emergencies. 

    If you do not need to stay over the break, you can leave all of your belongings in the room. RLH will place a checklist on your door for reminders about how to "close up" your room for the break. The instructions include items to cut utility costs, fight against rodents, protect against possible fire hazards, and remind students to grab important items such as medicine. An example checklist for the residence halls is here. The DATE fields would be filled in with the appropriate dates for the checklist placed on the students' doors. The Walking Stick checklist is similar but adapted for apartment living. 

    Staff will enter each room and apartment for health and safety checks at the beginning of each break period. Maintenance staff may also be in the rooms and apartments over the break to handle facility concerns. 

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

Residence Life and Housing Office


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