Camps, Conferences, and Short Stays

Not a CSU Pueblo student? Not a problem!
While housing CSU Pueblo students is the heart of Residence Life & Housing's mission, advancing the education and development of our community is important to our department and University. Residence Life & Housing (RLH) works closely with other offices and services on campus to provide opportunities for businesses, conference groups, clubs, and other teams to train and develop their participants. With overnight accommodations, meeting spaces, and catering, CSU Pueblo can be your one-stop-shop for retreats, camps, and events.
In addition to supporting short-term group needs, RLH provides short- or long-term agreements for area students and interns. Excited about a licensing program or degree from an area community college or professional school that doesn't provide student housing? RLH has made a commitment to extend CSU Pueblo student pricing to area students who are looking for similar housing arrangements.
Summer Camps & Conferences
The Residence Halls at CSU Pueblo are utilized for camps and conferences from the end of May to mid-July each summer. CSU Pueblo is proud to offer suite-style floorplan accommodations that allow two people per room to share a bathroom with the two people in the next room. No more walking down the common hallway to a community bathroom!
While the double suite style is the most prominent room in our halls, we do have options for private rooms and a few triple rooms. If you'd like to offer linens to your campers, we can provide basic linens at an additional cost.
Below are the 2024 rates and are subject to change each year:
Room Style
Per Person, Per Night
Double Occupancy/shared bath
Single Occupancy/shared bath
Private Occupancy/private bath (limited availability)
Triple Occupancy (limited availability)
Linens (bedding, pillow, towels (2), hand towel (2), washcloths (4), light blanket)
The form below will submit your request to Carl Rodriguez. Please contact Carl at for updates or questions. For meeting space and meals, please contact Brent Lorenz at
Already have a camp booked and want to know more about your stay? Check out the Camp Housing site.
University Sponsored?
Faculty and Staff may request housing accommodations for guests related to camps and conferences throughout the year. While most of our availability is between May and July, we have limited space during the academic year.
Summer Camps: Internal groups hosted by faculty or staff are given priority for summer dates if reserved before the first week in February and also receive an internal rate. After that time, all requests are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Summer Camp availability is between May 30 and July 18. Anything outside of those dates must be approved by Gwen Young at and may incur additional costs based on turnover needs or room type available.
Summer Interns
Are you interning in the Pueblo area this summer?
CSU Pueblo is proud to offer housing options for Pueblo area interns during the summer.
Summer Housing availability for interns is May 30 - August 2.
The application will open on March 1st for the following summer. Pricing is listed in the application.
Please complete the summer housing application to request a summer intern space: -
Looking for individual on-campus housing accommodations for a few days/weeks?
CSU Pueblo is proud to offer short-stay housing for individuals affiliated with the University, including students, staff, faculty, presenters, or other individuals with a purpose to be on campus. While our space is more available in the summer, we may have space during the fall and spring semesters. Room rates are listed on the short stay application below. Please note that room types for short-stays are limited.CSU Pueblo fa
culty and staff are offered a discounted rate. This offer is intended for a short-stay and may not be considereda housing alternative. We offer this option for faculty and staff who may be new to the Pueblo area and temporary housing in the interim.To reserve Short-Stay housing, please fill out the Short-Stay Application. Carl Rodriguez facilitates the short-stay program. For additional questions or concerns, please contact him at
Academic Year Groups
While our availability is much larger in the summer, RLH may have opportunities to house conferences or groups during the academic year. The pricing and process is similar to summer camps and conferences.
For more information about the year-round conference availability, please email Carl Rodriguez at
Area Students from PCC or other Local Programs
RLH is proud of our student accommodations! With three modern residence halls, you don't have to worry about a community shower room! Our rooms are spacious with high ceilings and large windows. Every room is furnished with XL twin beds, chest of drawers, desk with chair, micro-fridge with a separate freezer, and built-in closets.
You can find those amenities off campus though. So what makes living on our campus special? It starts with our community. With each building housing up to 250 students, you can easily find someone who has similar academic or personal interests. From late night ping-pong games to Saturday morning outings for coffee, you'll quickly find that with only a little effort, you'll find your new home away from home.
Pricing for area students who commit to a long-term contract (one to two semesters) is based on CSU Pueblo Student Housing Rates. Student who do not need full-time housing but would like to stay with us for specific timeframes, such as one weekend a month for internships or every Tuesday night for 8 weeks, may request a short-stay accommodation. Short-stays are charged a nightly rate. While cost effective when compared to area hotels, short-stays become less cost effective if used for extended stay. Stays for longer than one month should request a special long-term contract.
Area Student Long-Term Housing request form
Confused about which agreement is right for you? Email us at