Report a Hazardous Condition on Campus
Notice a potential hazardous condition on campus?
Hazardous or Unsafe Condition Report**If an IMMEDIATE THREAT TO LIFE OR PROPERTY EXISTS PLEASE DIAL 911 or x2373 on any campus phone.
Standard Operating Procedures
Colorado State University-Pueblo is actively concerned with the safety of all faculty, staff, students and guests on the CSU-Pueblo campus.
The following standard operating procedures (SOP's) and guidelines have been designed to provide guidance related to specific safety areas for the entire Campus Community.
Hazardous Material Safety
- Asbestos Management Plan
- Chemical Safety Cabinets
- Container Labeling
- Flammable and Combustible Liquids
- Fume Hoods
- Hazard Communication Program
- Hazardous Waste
- Laboratory Safety Responsibilities for PI's
- Leaks, Odors, and Fumes
- Peroxide Forming Chemicals
- Segregation of Incompatible Chemicals
- Stormwater Program
- Working Alone in Laboratories