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Fraternity and Sorority Life

Colorado State University-Pueblo students

Our Mission

The mission of Fraternity & Sorority Life is to build an inclusive fraternity and sorority community and enhance the collegiate experience by supporting opportunities for Siblinghood, Leadership, Service, and Scholarship; and to serve as a liaison among the collegiate chapters, parents, alumni, international organizations, and the University to provide organizational guidance, educational programs, and resources while challenging members to live their fraternal values.

Our Pillars

Developing confident and responsible leaders who are role models in our community, creating active members of the CSU Pueblo community, promoting passion and pride that one has for fraternity and sorority organizations into the CSU Pueblo community, creating a community of fraternity and sorority leaders on campus.
Promoting family brotherhood and/or sisterhood amongst all fraternity and sorority members and building a legacy on campus.
Improving the University and Pueblo community through dedication to civic responsibility within our membership and the campus community.
Striving for higher academic excellence while being held accountable by fellow fraternity/sorority members, the University, and international offices.

Learning Outcomes

Students who engage in Fraternity and Sorority Life will [or will be able to] ... 

  1. Demonstrate personal responsibility and respectful behavior in a community environment, and make informed decisions that will reduce high-risk behavior and positively shape their communities at CSU Pueblo.
  2. Practice self-governance and work collaboratively to create and achieve community goals.
  3. Engage in leadership and relationship-building skills and apply them to strengthen their organizations and communities at CSU Pueblo and beyond.
  4. Understand the importance of scholarship and practice academic responsibility.
  5. Appreciate and engage in community service and philanthropic activities.
  6. Demonstrate an awareness of social justice issues (i.e. culture, race, gender, class, and sexual orientation).
  7. Build life-long friendships based on shared values and develop a commitment to the values of their organization.

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students studying in LARC

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two students smiling
The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

Fraternity and Sorority Life


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