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Frequently Asked Questions


    Will joining a fraternity or sorority interfere with academics?

    Students often find managing their time difficult when moving from the structured environment of high school to the new-found freedom of college. Fraternity & Sorority membership assists in the transition process by offering scholarship programs that include study partners, study hours, and time management workshops.

    How much time is required of a chapter member?

    The time commitment varies from chapter to chapter, but the first semester is time intensive as students participate in the chapter’s new member education program. Time spent in this program provides an opportunity to develop leadership and time management skills, learn about the history of the organization, and develop friendships. Each chapter has weekly meetings and other events (philanthropic, service, social, initiation) throughout the year that are generally planned in advance in order to promote reasonable time management. As with any organization, the time commitment increases as a student assumes a leadership position.

    How much does it cost to join a fraternity or sorority?

    Just like any other organization, joining a fraternity or sorority involves a financial commitment. However, the first year of membership is the most expensive with initiation fees, membership badge, chapter dues, and other costs. Contrary to common stereotypes, many chapter members work during the academic year and are financing their tuition and/or housing expenses. Most organizations offer payment plans in order to help spread the cost out over several smaller payments.


    What are the rituals? What does it mean?

    Fraternity and sorority ritual events are sacred ceremonies that remind members of their founder’s vision and mission. Ritual emphasizes the international organizations’ values and the commitment that the member made when becoming a brother or sister.

    What about hazing?

    CSU Pueblo strictly enforces its anti-hazing policy for all student organizations. Hazing or any activity that subjects members to embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, intimidation, physical abuse, or sleep deprivation is entirely contrary to the values and purposes of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Fraternity and sorority members are educated on the dangers of hazing and how to report incidents to both university staff and police officers.

    What about alcohol?

    Fraternity & Sorority Life understands the concerns with the general “college” culture and alcohol. Whether or not a student is a member of a fraternity or sorority does not necessarily indicate that they will be more or less likely to partake in that culture. CSU Pueblo fraternity & sorority members are educated on the dangers of alcohol each semester. Many fraternity and sorority members, just like other college students, choose not to drink at all.

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Fraternity and Sorority Life


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