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Teacher Pipeline Project

What Is The Teacher Pipeline Project?

The Teacher Pipeline Project (TPP) is a collaboration between Colorado State University Pueblo School of Education and Pueblo School District 60. Student Teacher candidates accepted into the program will experience a unique and intensive student teaching experience that prepares them to enter the teaching force as highly effective educators.

All participants in the project will demonstrate a growth mindset and a belief that every student can be successful.

What Are The Program Components And Expectations?

One key to a successful student teaching experience is establishing a solid connection between teacher candidates and their host school.

Once accepted into the program, teacher candidates will immerse themselves into the school culture, building a solid relationship with school staff and students. To create this foundation, student teachers (co-teachers) will:

  • Participate in their host school’s teacher orientation and back-to-school events in the fall semester, including special sessions geared at co-teachers
  • Engage with their cooperating (lead teacher) teacher during a series of evening seminars
  • Complete Field Observation hours (as relevant) at their host school
  • Attend lesson planning and preparation workshops with lead teachers at their host school
  • Provide ongoing feedback and evaluation of the project throughout the experience.

Project Benefits

Benefits to Co-Teachers:

  • Strong foundational support is needed in advance of the student teaching experience.
  • The lead teacher, trained in feedback and support processes, will provide enhanced and regular assistance with teaching and learning practices.
  • Enhanced skills in classroom management and instructional rigor contribute to effective teaching practices.
  • Inside track to career opportunities within Pueblo School District 60.
  • Lead teachers and schools receive special recognition from the Colorado State University Pueblo School of Education Program, along with associated benefits.

Benefits to Lead Teachers and Schools:

  • Well-prepared and highly effective co-teachers that positively impact our students.
  • Professional development and support through Pueblo School District 60.
  • Education credit through Colorado State University Pueblo.

How do I Participate?

Interested candidates will complete an application through the School of Education. Potential candidates will also complete a brief interview with the selection team.

Once selected, teacher candidates will sign a commitment form outlining the project requirements. For more information, contact the Director of Student Teaching and Experiential Learning (719.549.2279).


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School of Education

Main Office Location

  • Technology, Education, and Engineering (TEE)
  • Room 263
  • 719.549.2681

Curriculum Resource Center (CRC)

  • Technology, Education, and Engineering (TEE)
  • Room 240
  • 719.549.2216

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