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School of Education

Main Office Location

  • Technology, Education, and Engineering (TEE)
  • Room 263
  • 719.549.2681

Curriculum Resource Center (CRC)

  • Technology, Education, and Engineering (TEE)
  • Room 240
  • 719.549.2216

Faculty and Staff

Get Started

Do you have a Bachelor's Degree?

No - I do not have a Bachelor's Degree:

At CSU Pueblo, students complete an academic major in the area they want to teach, and minor in education.  The following majors are available for future teachers at CSU Pueblo:

Table of Majors and Links to Catalog
Licensure Area: Corresponding Majors:
Art (K-12) Art, Art Education K-12 Emphasis
Early Childhood Education (K-3) Early Childhood Education, K-3 Licensure Emphasis
Elementary Education (K-6) Liberal Studies
English/Language Arts (7-12) English, Secondary Teaching Endorsement
Mathematics (6-8) Middle School Mathematics Education
Mathematics (7-12) Mathematics, Secondary Certification Emphasis
Music (K-12) Music, Music Education Emphasis
Physical Education (K-12) Exercise Science, K-12 Teacher Preparation Emphasis
Science (7-12)
Social Studies (7-12)
Special Education (Ages 5-21) Interdisciplinary Studies*
World Language: Spanish (K-12) World Languages-Spanish, K-12 Teaching Endorsement

*Contact an advisor in the School of Education about this pathway.

Added endorsements (additional licensure areas) are available in:

  • Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education (English Language Learners)
  • Computer Science Instruction
  • Gifted Education Core
  • Any of the licensure areas shown above

Yes - I have a Bachelor's Degree

Prospective graduate students have the following areas of study available:

  • Master of Education
  • Master of Education Online
  • Alternative Licensure
  • Post-Baccalaureate

Contact Our Team

School of Education: 719-549-2681


Choosing a Major and Minor

In Colorado, students cannot major in education.  Instead, they complete an academic major in the area they want to teach, and minor in education.  The following majors are available for future teachers at CSU Pueblo:

  • Elementary teachers major in Liberal Studies, preparing them to teach all subjects.
  • Secondary teachers (middle school and high school) can major in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Political Science, or Spanish. These departments on campus have designed special programs for students pursuing teaching, denoted as majors for a teaching emphasis.
  • K-12 teachers can major in Music Education, Art (teaching emphasis) or K-12 Physical Education (teaching emphasis). These majors allow students to teach in grades K-12.

Your minor then, becomes the area you want to be licensed to teach:

  • Elementary (K-6)
  • Secondary (7-12)
  • K-12

The courses in your minor are called Professional Education Courses, which provide you with the knowledge and techniques for effective teaching.

Additional (2nd teaching) endorsements are available in the following areas:

  • Special Education
  • Computer Science Instruction
  • Gifted Education Core
  • Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education

Frequently Asked Questions


    When and how should I get an advisor?

    Early and consistent communication with faculty advisors is essential to completing any college degree. All CSU Pueblo students will be assigned an advisor in their academic major.

    It is important that you meet with your advisor each semester to plan your courses appropriately and stay aware of any extra requirements or changes in the program. Major advisors are assigned to the major's department.

    Students attending Colorado Community College should also meet frequently with their advisor to ensure that their courses will transfer into the School of Education. Additional information can be found on our Admissions website.

    The faculty in the CSU Pueblo School of Education and at the community colleges have collaborated extensively to provide the best advising possible to make the transfer to CSU Pueblo as smooth as possible.


    What do I need to become a licensed teacher in Colorado?

    Embarking on the path to becoming a licensed educator, completing the Professional Education Courses, an integral part of the education minor, and successfully passing the state licensure exam, PRAXIS (if required) are crucial milestones. These steps and potential additional content courses, depending on your bachelor’s degree, are key to your journey.

    To determine precisely what classes you must complete, contact the School of Education at 719.549.2681 to schedule an appointment with a faculty advisor.

    Ideally, completing an approved preparation education program before teaching is the best way to prepare you to teach. However, considering the extreme teacher shortage in many areas, there are alternative routes to becoming a teacher if you already have a bachelor’s degree.

    One such program is the Alternative Licensure Program, in which you obtain a teaching position first. During your first two years in the classroom, you take courses to complete your approved preparation education program and become licensed. For more information about this program, contact the School of Education at 719.549.2681.


    What do I need to become a licensed teacher in another state?

    Students are strongly encouraged to work with the academic department and the applicable professional licensure board in the state in which they intend to pursue licensing to ensure all licensure requirements will be satisfactorily met.​


    Where can I learn more about professional licensure?

    This program is one that requires professional licensure. Professional licensure regulations and requirements vary from field to field, and from state to state. Each state and U.S. territory has an authority that is responsible for overseeing the licensure requirements of the various professions in that state. To learn more about licensure requirements for this program, please visit CSU Pueblo’s State Authorization webpage here.

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School of Education

Main Office Location

  • Technology, Education, and Engineering (TEE)
  • Room 263
  • 719.549.2681

Curriculum Resource Center (CRC)

  • Technology, Education, and Engineering (TEE)
  • Room 240
  • 719.549.2216

Faculty and Staff

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