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Private Applied Lessons

Music majors must enroll in private lessons on their principal instrument each semester they attend Colorado State University-Pueblo, with the exception of the semester of student teaching. All music majors enroll for and receive a one-hour lesson each week. Music minors also enroll for one-hour lessons. Non-majors who desire private lessons and music majors who wish to study a secondary instrument may do so with the permission of the instructor. Non-majors enroll for a one-half-hour lesson each week, and may enroll for a one-hour lesson, if the instructor can accommodate the extra time in the schedule.

Applied lessons include performance on Music Symposium and a jury performance, considered the final examination.

Music majors enrolled in applied lessons must perform a minimum of two appropriate solo works, approved by the instructor, on a minimum of one student Symposium recital each semester.

Students taking private applied lessons must practice a sufficient amount each week as specified by their instructor in order to be adequately prepared for the lesson. Students who are not prepared for a given lesson may be dismissed at the instructor's discretion and a grade of "F" assigned for that lesson.

Other pertinent information regarding applied study, including lesson fees, numbering system, and Junior/Senior Recital course numbers may be found in the university catalog.

Lesson G​rades

Each lesson will be assigned a grade by the instructor. Each lesson grade is based on performance in the lesson, the preparedness level of the student, and assignments completed. The lesson grades will comprise a portion of the applied grade for the semester. Each instructor will set and publish guidelines for required practice time each week, according to each specific degree track. If a student is unprepared for a specific lesson, the instructor may assign a grade of "F" for that lesson. Lessons missed by the student are not required to be made up by the instructor. Lessons missed by the instructor will be made up in a timely manner and at a time mutually agreeable to the student and instructor.

Jury E​xaminations

Students registered for applied lessons must perform a jury examination before a faculty panel at the end of each semester. Non-majors may be exempt from this requirement at the discretion of the applied instructor. Jury examinations will occur during exam week. Sign up sheets for performance times will be posted no later than two weeks in advance of the jury date. The jury exam is graded by each of the faculty members present and will comprise a portion of the student's semester grade for applied lessons. Students may elect not to perform a jury if a Junior or Senior Recital is performed successfully. The student must perform competently the required materials and repertoire assigned by the instructor as well as the appropriate scales, rudiments, or other technical exercises. Please see Appendix G for copies of the Jury Grading Forms.​

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Music, B.A.

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