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Local Economic Data and Resources

Economic Impact Study of CSU Pueblo

According to a study released in 2010 by Kevin Duncan, professor, and senior economist with the Healy Center for Business and Economic Research in the Hasan School of Business at Colorado State University Pueblo, the University has a total economic impact on Pueblo County of about $128 million annually. The report also shows that CSU-Pueblo contributes to the vibrancy of Colorado's economy through alumni who live in all but one county (Jackson) in Colorado.

    Pueblo Employment Information


    PUE EMPnew : BLS Data Series


    FRED M1 Money Stock


    FRED M2 Money Stock

Pueblo Economic Report

The Healy Center, in cooperation with Tucker Hart-Adams, has completed the first ever Pueblo Economic Study and Business Confidence Survey. Copies of the full report are available in CD format. To defer the cost of production and to support future surveys we request a minimum donation of $25. You may request a copy online by completing a form provided by the CSU Pueblo foundation and specifying the Healy Center Economic Report or by calling the Hasan School of Business at ​719.549.2142. 

Please fill out the registration information, you will be asked for your donation amount on page two of the donation website.

Designate your donation to "Healy Center Economic Report".

The report will be mailed to you on a CD.

Local Economic Data


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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142
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