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Assurance of Learning

The use of direct measures of student performance in the Hasan School of Business provides a relevant set of performance data. Reviewed by faculty, discipline groups, the School’s Assurance of Learning Committee, and administrators, results of these measures are used to make program improvements. In addition to course grades, direct measures of student performance in the Hasan School of Business include The Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Fields Test in Business and Course Embedded Measures.

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Fields Test in Business

This test, conducted nationwide, assesses what students have learned primarily in courses common to all business majors (Areas F & G). Results are compared with those of other business students enrolled at selected peer institutions, as well as nationally, who have taken the exam that year. In the Hasan School of Business, the Major Fields Test is given to students in the BUSAD 493 capstone course in their senior year. The Hasan School of Business also administers the graduate ETS Exam in the MBA program at the end of students’ course work.

Course-Embedded Measures

Beginning as course assignments, such as exams, papers, presentations, or projects, course-embedded measures can be modified to reveal student performance data in ways that course grades might not.

In addition, the Hasan School of Business faculty measures achievement annually in each major and area of conentration by administering a nationally standardized test. Results of such measurements are used for program assessment. The Hasan School of Business compiles information to assess the success of graduates. Information is obtained from the CSU-Pueblo Alumni Office, the Career Center, and other sources.

Learning Outcomes Assessment

The Hasan School of Business is committed to continuous improvement through a rigorous assessment program focused on measuring learning outcomes and implementing measures to enhance students’ chances of success. Within each individual course, faculty members utilize a variety of assessment techniques, including: student presentations, projects, peer evaluations, examinations and student surveys.

HSB Undergraduate Learning Goals


  • Prepare a written document and/or oral presentation that are focused, well-organized, as well as mechanically and professionally sound.

Problem Solving

  • Identify problem(s) in unstructured settings and apply appropriate quantitative techniques to solve the problem(s).
  • Identify problem(s) in unstructured settings and analyze appropriate information to develop viable recommendations.

Global Awareness

  • Demonstrate understanding of global issues and perspectives that may impact business solutions.

Ethical Awareness

  • Demonstrate awareness of ethical issues and possible impacts on business decision making.​


Learning Goals for the MBA Program

The Hasan School of Business faculty works diligently to provide graduates with a high-quality education that prepares them for advancement in business. Our program prepares students through achievement of four primary learning goals.

Achieving Organizational Goals

  • Graduate will implement or manage team dynamics in the achievement of organizational goals.

Managing Organizational Change

  • Graduate will implement change management techniques in addressing organizational responses to change—global and/or innovative technology.

Being Socially Responsible

  • Graduates will be ethically and socially responsible in decision making.

Formulating Strategic Decision

  • Graduates will make strategic decisions applying business knowledge and analytic skills.

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