Corporate Affiliates
The Malik and Seeme Hasan School of Business (HSB) is proud to partner with corporate affiliates offering a variety of opportunities that enhance our students educational experience, including:
- Mentoring
- Practical application workshops (in classroom)
- Job shadowing
- Network opportunities
- Internships
- Scholarships
- Employment opportunities beyond graduation
- Sponsor HSB student / faculty activities
These opportunities give students real world experience, resources, and provide motivation and guidance to help HSB students distinguish themselves in the job market.
A corporate affiliate is an alliance between a non-academic entity, such as a business or another organization, and the Hasan School of Business for the mutual benefit of both entities. In this case, HSB students are afforded the benefits mentioned above, while the corporate affiliate builds their reputation discretely with HSB students.
To become an HSB affiliate, please contact:
Gene Lucero at 719.549.2155, or by email at