
Field practicum allows students to observe real-life situations handled by professionals in the field. HIST 498 is an upper-level course developed for history undergraduate majors and minors. The internship program is designed to provide advanced students with an opportunity to integrate classroom learning with real-world experience.
The program is primarily designed for students planning to enter the fields of museum studies, archival management and maintenance, and historical preservation. However, we are hoping to expand our opportunities to include historical research and publication.
Students interested in enrolling in HIST 498 must discuss placement with the undergraduate coordinator during pre-registration in the semester preceding the planned internship. Field service supervisors expect a certain level of expertise in the field and a high level of responsibility on the part of the student participant.
A student is required to work at the placement site 42 hours for each credit hour, as follows:
- 3 credit hours = 126 site hours + 3 hours/faculty supervisor
- 4 credit hours = 168 site hours + 4 hours/faculty supervisor
- 5 credit hours = 210 site hours + 5 hours/faculty supervisor
- 6 credit hours = 252 site hours + 6 hours/faculty supervisor
In accordance with professional and University standards, students may be denied acceptance or withdrawn from the program or field practicum for either academic or behavioral reasons. Students denied admission into the placement may file a grievance in accordance with University procedures as discussed in the appendices.
Students are never left to find their own placements in our field practicum program. The Field Application process includes an interview with the Field Coordinator, who will identify the student's course load, class standing, and whether the student can realistically commit to the time requirement. With the approval of the undergraduate coordinator, students can then enroll in the course. The faculty supervisor/undergraduate coordinator will receive the application and make a tentative assignment based on the following considerations:
- Availability of a host agency that matches the student's interest and has expressed a willingness to participate in the internship program.
- Student's past experiences, interests, and suitability for a host agency assignment.
- Faculty supervisor's agreement with the student's expressed preference.
We have several agencies that we have pre-approved and are happy to work with students already employed in the field to develop an employment-based field opportunity.
Admission Requirements
To be admitted into the History field practicum, students must:
- Students must be juniors or seniors who have completed their required prerequisite courses.
- Students must have a GPA of at least 3.0.
- A recommendation letter from a ranked history faculty member
- Notify the History Field Coordinator when the above steps are complete
Field Coordinator’s next steps:
- All of the field applications must be sent to the Field Coordinator.
- After the student notifies the Field Coordinator, the Field Coordinator will review all submitted applications and forms and meet with each potential field student.
- The Field Coordinator will determine if the student meets the requirements for placement.
- The Field Coordinator will meet with each student to discuss his/her eligibility for placement and, if accepted, possible agency placements. Students not meeting the requirements for placement will be notified of their ineligibility, the reason(s) for their ineligibility, and the corrective measure(s) that must be taken.
- At no time is the student to contact field agencies without the Field Coordinator's approval.
- The student will contact the selected agency and interview with the agency field instructor and/or representative.
- The Field Coordinator will contact the agency field instructor and then meet with the student to discuss the decision for placement.