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Counseling Center

  • Phone: 719.549.2838 - This line is available 24/7.
  • Location: Center for Health and Human Inquiry, Room 174
  • After Hours:
  • Colorado Crisis Services: 1.844.493.8255
  • Pueblo Rape Crisis Services: 719.549.0549
  • Counseling Center 719.549.2838 is forwarded to Protocall, a call service with licensed counselors.


Visits to the Student Counseling Center are kept confidential. Be sure to discuss the parameters of confidentiality with your counselor on your first visit. Exceptions to confidentiality are:
  • You report that you are physically or sexually abusing a minor child.
  • You are a minor and you report that you are being physically or sexually abused.
  • You report being physically or sexually abused by parents and there are still minor children in the home.
  • You state that you want to harm yourself.
  • You state that you want to harm someone else.
  • You report that you are physically, financially or sexually abusing an elder. 

Confidentiality of Counseling Records

State law requires that a record of your counseling visits be maintained. Your counselor will enter a note after each visit that will include a brief description of your session. These records are maintained electronically and will be retained for seven years. 

Release of Information

Verbal or written information regarding your treatment cannot be released unless you sign a written consent. For example, you might want to release information to another person if you are trying to coordinate with on- or off-campus services. The Student Counseling Center is not authorized to speak with parents about your treatment unless you sign a release.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142

Counseling Center

  • Phone: 719.549.2838 - This line is available 24/7.
  • Location: Center for Health and Human Inquiry, Room 174
  • After Hours:
  • Colorado Crisis Services: 1.844.493.8255
  • Pueblo Rape Crisis Services: 719.549.0549
  • Counseling Center 719.549.2838 is forwarded to Protocall, a call service with licensed counselors.
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