CARES Act: Emergency Funding
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for Higher Education provides institutions of higher education Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) to assist with costs incurred due to COVID-19.
Additional allocated funds are to be used as direct grants to students to provide emergency relief aid for hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning in Fall 2021, students are able to request that their funds be used first to pay down any existing bills at the institution. For the 2021-2022 academic year, funds are distributed to eligible students after classes begin, and the amounts awarded depend on students' need and number of credits in which they are enrolled.
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY24 Q3
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY24 Q2
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY24 Q1
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY23 Q4
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY23 Q3
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY23 Q2
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY23 Q1
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY22 Q4
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY22 Q3
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY22 Q2
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY22 Q1
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY21 Q4
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY21 Q3
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY21 Q2
- Institutional Quarterly Report: FY21 Q1
Request Period Closed
What expenses can these funds be used for?
These funds can be used to help pay for cost of attendance needs such as food, housing, childcare, health care, course materials, technology, tuition assistance, and other critical needs.
How can I receive funding?
Funds are automatically awarded to eligible students for the 2021-2022 academic year; no special application is required. CSU Pueblo identifies eligible students (per ED guidance) using a combination of need and spring 2020 enrolled credit hours.
Who is eligible to receive the Immediate Relief disbursements?
Students are eligible if they meet the following *criteria:
- Degree Seeking and enrolled at CSU Pueblo at the time of disembursement
- Updated eligibility guidelines now allow concurrent enrollment, online, international and undocumented students to receive funds
Students may be asked to provide documentation to prove eligibility.
What is the maximum award?
A calculation was performed to produce equitable and fair disbursements to all students who qualify for the Immediate Relief Fund. The average award for undergraduate students is $558.21, and $458.80 for graduate students. Below is the awarding structure used by CSU Pueblo:
Undergraduate Students
EFC Range/Credits
15 and up
$720 $1,120 $1,620 6001-15000
$630 $980 $1,440 15001 and up
$540 $840 $1,080 NA
$450 $700 $900 Graduate Students
EFC Range/Credits
7-9 10-14 15 and up 0-6000
$900 $1,400 $1,800 6001-15000
$810 $1,260 $1,620 15001 and up
$720 $1,120 $1,440 NA
$630 $980 $1,260 -
Who can receive Emergency Aid Program funds?
Students who meet the criteria for the Immediate Relief Fund and can demonstrate additional financial hardship due to the COVID 19 pandemic related to their educational needs may make application for Emergency Aid Program funds.
How will the funds for Emergency Aid Program be determined?
Emergency Aid Program funds will disburse based on the need category in which the student is seeking assistance. All awards are based on the Cost of Attendance categories used by CSU Pueblo, with guidance from the Colorado Department of Education. Need categories and dollar amounts for awards is below:
Funding Category
Award Per Application
While it is encouraged for students to prioritize their needs and limit their selection to one need category on the Emergency Aid application, students who have experienced extreme financial hardship are eligible to apply for a maximum of two funding categories.
How will funds be distributed?
Funds will be distributed through the regular CSU Pueblo refund process. Effective Fall 2021, students can elect to have their funds applied to any outstanding university bill prior to receiving a refund. Students will receive funds based on the refund preference selected (direct deposit or to be mailed to the address on file).
Can I use the funds to pay my bill?
Students can use any funds disbursed to pay any outstanding balance at CSU Pueblo and can now elect within PAWS to have funds applied directly to their bill. Students must select "Apply funds to my student bill" to have funds applied to their CSU Pueblo bill. The selection to either apply funds towards the bill or receive a refund is final and cannot be changed. Once you receive your refund, you may use the funds to pay through your PAWS account or by contacting our Cashier at 719-549-2131.
Are online students eligible for the funds?
Updated federal guidelines now allow fully online students to participate in this program.
What if I don’t meet the criteria but still have financial hardship?
We have exhausted all funding from the CARES/HEERF Acts. You may be eligible for assistance via the CSU Pueblo Foundation. Please contact Student Financial Services for further assistance.