National Society of Leadership Success
The Society is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. With 517 chapters, the Society currently has 591,680 members nationwide.
In addition to honorable distinction, the Society provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume.
Membership is for life and provides access to benefits including scholarships and awards, exclusive on-campus events, employer recruitment through an online job bank, and discounts on computers, textbooks, grad school prep courses, insurance and much more.
The Colorado State University-Pueblo chapter of The National Society of Leadership and Success has more than 400 members on campus. The chapter sends out invitations biannually. For more information, please call the SEAL office at ext. 2151.