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Computer Information Systems, Bachelor of Science

CIS student analyzing global temperature data

Program Overview

The Computer Information Systems (CIS) program is housed within the AACSB accredited Hasan School of Business and the CSU Pueblo National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) Education.

The Bachelor of Science in CIS prepares graduates for successful careers in the Information Technology (IT) fields. Students in the CIS Program can specialize in their field of interest through concentration areas in Cyber Security, Data Analytics, and Software Development.

Students complete a comprehensive, relevant, computer information systems curriculum that delivers high-demand knowledge, skills, and abilities in several areas such as:

  • Software and web application development
  • System analysis and design
  • Network design and administration
  • Database design and development
  • Operating systems
  • IT security

"I came into the CIS Program with minimal tech experience. However, the industry relevant curriculum, small class sizes, and one-on-one time with professors gave me all the experience and tools necessary to thrive in the Information Technology industry. After graduating, I received a full-ride scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in Cyber Security at the #3 Ranked Information Systems program in the U.S."

- Joshua Greer, The University of Arizona

Distinctive Aspects of the Program

The most unique characteristic of the CIS program at CSU Pueblo is the tight connection between business and engineering that is associated with the program’s history. Originally founded as a computer information systems technology degree program under the engineering school, the program has a distinctive deep technical characteristic that sets it apart from many programs housed in business schools across the nation.

Being merged into the AACSB accredited Hasan School of Business has allowed the CIS program to focus on a business applications orientation, while retaining its deep technical roots. Consequently, the graduates of this program are qualified to meet the needs of business employers who are seeking well-rounded business graduates who also have deep technical knowledge of computing.

The CIS program in the Hasan School of Business is unique in the state of Colorado. It is the only CIS program to require 52 credits hours of CIS coursework, focused on developing business-applicable, computer technology knowledge and skills.

The structure of our program is intended to prepare graduates to be competent to enter the very diverse Information Systems (IS)/IT field, from entry-level computer technicians and help desk operators, to intermediate-level programmers, systems analysts, web developers, database administrators, data analysts, to network managers, and cyber security experts. Other similar programs around the state have either a general management of information systems concentration, without developing a deeper understanding of the underlying technology, or a programming emphasis, without developing an understanding of the business environment in which information systems exist and serve.

Key Program Strengths

  1. Accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), the most prestigious agency for accrediting business programs.
  2. A modern curriculum that is current in terms of developing the skills our students need to enter the workforce within our industry.
  3. All faculty bring real world business experience to the classroom, which allows us to give examples drawn from personal experience of the applicability of the topics we teach to what the students can expect when they enter the workforce.
  4. The program's uniqueness allows our graduates to fill a significant need of employers within our region and throughout the U.S.
  5. We have an enthusiastic board of advisors from a broad range of industries, both public and private, to advise us on the relevance and structure of the curriculum we teach. A number of our graduates have even found positions with our advisors’ organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions


    How long will it take to complete my degree?

    Bachelor's degrees typically take 4 years to complete. However, your timeline may vary depending on a number of factors: if you have previously earned college credits, if you take classes on a full-time or part-time schedule, if you petition for credits for prior learning, and/or if you take summer courses. Make sure you work with your advisor to create a schedule that meets your goals.

    How much time can I expect to spend on coursework each week?

    For 16 Week classes, you should expect to spend at least 25-30 hours per week on coursework, assignments, and studying. Be sure to practice good time management and spread out your assignments throughout the week to not feel overwhelmed.

    How do I know which transfer credits were accepted?

    A transfer evaluator reviews your official transcripts and creates a DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) evaluation of your credits. You should receive your evaluation within two weeks of admission. Please refer to the CIS Transfer & Advising Guide for more detailed information about transfer credits.

    Am I qualified for scholarships?

    CSU-Pueblo students may be qualified for one or more scholarships offered by the university. Additionally, CIS students may be qualified for CIS exclusive scholarships. You must have an updated FAFSA on file with Student Financial Services. Visit the Scholarships page for more information.

    What types of financial aid are offered?

    CSU-Pueblo offers scholarships to students based on academic merit, financial need, and/or other criteria; grants; and low-interest loans. Students using financial aid must have a FAFSA on file with CSU-Pueblo. To complete your FAFSA, visit Please visit the Student Financial Services website for more information

    Who can I talk to about my financial aid or bill?

    It is important to check your PAWS account regularly to ensure your aid and bill look correct. Student Financial Services is open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and is available via phone at 719.549.2753, email at, and take walk-ins.

    Where do I view my account information?

    Each student has a PAWS (Personal Access to Web Services) account where they can view their bill, financial aid, online schedule, request transcripts, update their demographic information, run DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) reports, and more. For more questions about your PAWS account, contact your advisor.

    What is the AACSB accreditation?

    AACSB is an acronym which stands for the Association to Advance the Collegiate Schools of Business. This accreditation puts CSU Pueblo in the top 5% of business schools worldwide and is the highest level of accreditation a business school can earn.

    Is CSU Pueblo a U.S. National Security Agency CAE institution?

    CSU Pueblo is an NSA CAE institution (U.S. National Security Agency Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE). The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly sponsor National Centers of Academic Excellence.

    The CAE-CDE designation is acquired by meeting rigorous cyber security curriculum and program requirements. The goal of CSU Pueblo's NSA-CAE program is to reduce vulnerability in our national information infrastructure by promoting higher education and research in cyber defense and producing professionals with cyber defense expertise. 

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Computer Information Systems, Bachelor of Science

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