Thesis Services
Research Help
Submit Your Thesis
Student Research Journal
Library Requirements for Graduate Students
As stated in the University Catalog, graduate students who complete a thesis are required to submit an electronic copy to the University Library for archiving prior to graduation. This is in addition to any requirements of the student's specific department or program.
The student is responsible for all reproduction and binding costs for any copies required by their department. For binding options and directions, contact Felicia Martinez,
Submission Procedures
- Confirm with your advisor that your thesis meets all formatting and style guidelines and includes correct front matter (e.g., certificate of acceptance).
- Check your department/program guidelines to see how many bound copies you must provide to them.
- Review your thesis carefully for errors. They are published as received.
- Save your thesis as a PDF or PDF/A file and store it on a USB or CD.
- Submit your electronic copy through ProQuest ETD using the following instructions: Thesis Submission Instructions
After all materials are received, your advisor will be notified that you have met the thesis submission portion of graduation requirements. The electronic thesis will be placed in the CSU Pueblo Digital Repository.
Library Requirements for Honors Program Students
Undergraduate students enrolled in Honor 481: Senior Thesis are required to submit an electronic copy of their final, approved thesis to the University Library for archiving, using the Thesis Submission Form. The thesis will be published in the CSU-Pueblo Digital Repository.
Submission Procedures
- Confirm with your advisor that your thesis meets all formatting and style guidelines.
- Save your thesis as a PDF or PDF/A file and store it on a USB or CD.
- Attend an info session or schedule your thesis submission appointment with your advisor to review and complete the thesis submission form.
- Take the completed thesis submission form and PDF file to Felicia Martinez-Goodwin in Library Technical Services (LARC 236A).
El Rio: A Student Research Journal
El Rio: A Student Research Journal is a student-run research journal at CSU-Pueblo that focuses on outstanding student work from the humanities, behavioral, social, natural, and health and applied sciences. Its primary focus is original student scholarly work. Typical submissions include Honors theses, original compositions and empirical research conducted by undergraduate or Master’s level students. The journal welcomes outstanding student submissions from any program.