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What can I do with a STEM Degree?

Investing your time and energy to complete a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degree is a great idea. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, STEM jobs are projected to grow 8.8% by 2029. From advancing your degree with professional school (example: Medical School) or graduate school (example: Doctorate Degree) to joining the STEM workforce after college, there are ample ways to use your STEM degree. 

Explore STEM career pathways, and how to leverage your STEM degree from CSU Pueblo to become a top candidate in the next step of your journey.

Strong Interest Inventory

Helps individuals identify their work personality by exploring their interests in six broad areas: realistic, artistic, investigative, social, enterprising, and conventional.

Career Exploration

There are a lot of career pathways you can take with a STEM degree. Unsure of career pathways for your major? Explore career pathways, and employment trends in STEM!

Grad School Prep

Beyond joining the MAPS Program or another undergraduate research program at CSU Pueblo, applying for off campus research experiences are a great way to expand your research horizons! MAPS students are encouraged to apply for off campus internships or research experiences, especially during the summer!  

Professional School Prep

Many STEM students plan to pursue professional school programs such as medical school or veterinary school. Participating in MAPS as a research student is a great way to build professional experience. Did you know that MAPS can support you in also preparing for professional school? Learn more below!


A customized and brief summary of your professional background, skills, and accomplishments. Build your resume now, and keep it updated each semester. 


Professional social networking website that employers and professionals use to connect. Use and update your LinkedIn in tandem with your resume!

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142

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MAPS Program Director

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