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CSU Pueblo Travel Information

Travel Resources

Travel Summary


    Step 1

    Before you travel...

    • Seek approval to travel from department – (Plan early!)
    • If international travel, get President approval (see International travel Policy) and review travel warnings and health alerts
    • If applicable, apply for State Travel Card (Jp Morgan Chase MasterCard) (Allow 2 weeks for card to arrive)
    • Create Travel Authorization (TA) in Kuali (when out-of-state-travel, airline ticket, or travel advance is involved)
    • When TA is FINAL, give TEM doc# to travel agency, if purchasing airline ticket. The University is currently using New Horizons Travel.
    • Use Procurement Card or Disbursement Voucher to pay conference/event registration
    • Use Disbursement Voucher to pay lodging deposit (if required by hotel)
    • Look up maximum meal reimbursement (per diem) rates and lodging expense guidelines for destination
    • If renting vehicle, use your State travel Card with state contracted agencies: Avis, Budget, Enterprise or Hertz

    Step 2

    During your trip...

    • Keep conference schedule (showing which meals were provided)
    • Keep original itemized receipts for all rental car, gas & lodging charges. Keep original itemized receipts for other charges if over $25
    • Separate non-reimbursable personal expenses (dry cleaning, magazines, alcohol beverages, etc.

    Step 3

    When you return...

    • Prepare Travel Reimbursement Sheet (TR) for eligible expenses. Reimbursements that are not allowed: personal expenses, recreation, meal per diems if meals were provided at conference)
    • Attach MapQuest: 1) for mileage to and from destination if vehicle is used or 2) to and from airport if airline is used.
    • Attach required receipts/proof of payment, conference schedule, etc.
    • Reimbursement claims for travel should be submitted within 60 days following completion of travel to avoid tax implications.


    • As provided in CRS 24-9-104 – New Mileage Reimbursement Rates Effective every January 1st.
    • Employees traveling on official state (university) business using their own vehicles will be reimbursed according to the mileage reimbursement rate (Visit Statewide Travel Management program for link to more information.)

University Travel Reference Guide

The following rules and definitions apply to all travel paid with University funds – no matter the source of the funds – and to all individuals engaged in such travel, whether administration, faculty, staff, students, or non-employees traveling on University business. Travel expenses paid by the University must be incurred for the benefit of the State, in furtherance of the University’s mission, and in support of assigned duties.

For questions, contact the Procurement Service Center Help Desk (719.549.2772) or visit our web site at:



    Contact the Campus Risk Management Office. If accident occurs in a rental vehicle charged on the State Travel Card, contact the JP Morgan Chase MASTERCARD Program Administrator (1.800.316.6056) as soon as reasonably possible to report the claim and request a claim form. If the claim form is not filed within the designated time period, the renter can be held personally responsible. See also Rental Vehicle.


    Account ChartFields

    Common travel-related expenses include:

    Employee Travel- In state: 6001

    Student Travel - In state: 6002

    Employee Travel - Out of state: 6071

    Student Travel - Out of State: 6072

    Employee Travel - International: 6131

    Non-employee Travel-Out of state: 6076

    Non Employee Travel – In State: 6006

    Authorized Business Functions-Meetings/Conferences/Receptions: 6649

    Conference Registration Fees: 6633



    There are two ways to obtain an advance:

    1. State Travel Card (STC) . The only individuals authorized for cash advances on the STC are those employees authorized in the International Program.
    2. Student Functions. Coaches/Employees can request a travel advance through accounts payable while traveling with their groups (athletics, ELC, etc.). Travel advance must be requested and finalized in KUALI TA 7 days prior to trip/project begin date. Advances must be settled with Accounts Payable upon completion of trip.. No further advances will be issued to an individual while he/she has an advance outstanding past the 30 days.


    Traveler should work with approved travel agency and use State contract airlines. (Exceptions to use of contract airlines: Approved travel agency finds that lower fare is offered to general public that is not matched by awarded airline; or there is no contract for the city pair; or traveler is inconvenienced by three hours or more by using awarded airline.) Additional restrictions apply to travel funded by Federal projects; consult campus fiscal policy and campus Grants/Contracts office. For information on the less expensive restricted fares, contact an approved travel agency.


    Airline Tickets

    Traveler should use approved travel agency to book tickets, requesting lowest fare available from all carriers. First/Business Class travel not allowed. Upgrades (including extended leg room upgrades) not allowed. Travel agency will need TEM doc# number from Kuali TA to proceed. Service fees are nonrefundable, even when ticket is not used/credited to traveler. Value of canceled ticket will generally be preserved as long as new ticket is booked (or, for some airlines, as long as new trip is completed) within one year of original ticket issue date. See also Internet Airfare Purchases.

    Alcoholic Beverages

    Not reimbursable.

    Approving Authority

    University employee designated authority, in writing, to approve matters related to University travel, sign travel forms, etc.  Approving authority cannot be a subordinate of the traveler. Travelers cannot approve their own travel or travel reimbursements.


    Contact Procurement Services at 719.549.2772.


    JP Morgan Chase MasterCard

    State Travel Card, required for employees traveling on business. Must be used for vehicle rentals, lodging, meals, and ground transportation, where accepted. If CTS account not available to purchase airline tickets, traveler’s individual State Travel Card must be used. Charges incurred are personal liability of traveler and should be paid promptly. Late fees/finance charges are traveler’s personal responsibility and are not reimbursable. Applications can be obtained from the Procurement Services Website. To report a lost or stolen card, contact JP Morgan Chase immediately at 800-316-6056

    Conference/Event Registration

    If possible, use Procurement Card . Otherwise use Kuali Disbursement Voucher to issue payment directly to vendor/event. (Attach registration form/invoice to Disbursement Voucher (DV).Travelers who personally pay for a registration (in advance of the trip or while on-site at the event) use DV to request reimbursement upon trip completion. (Attach registration form)


    Acronym for the 48 contiguous United States, including District of Columbia.

    CTS (Central Travel System) Account

    JP Morgan Chase MASTERCARD card account number used by approved travel agencies to cover cost of airline/other common carrier ticket. Not used for vehicle rental, lodging, or other travel-related expenses. Charges on CTS account are billed directly to campus department according to Account provided by department on TA in Kuali.

    Currency Exchange

    Cost of converting money is reimbursable when exchange rate is documented (e.g., Currency calculation must be backdated to reflect actual date expense was incurred.

    Gasoline-Rental Vehicles

    Traveler must use State Travel Card(JP MORGAN CHASE MASTERCARD) wherever accepted. Original itemized receipts/ POP required regardless of dollar amount. (Gasoline not reimbursable for personal vehicles. See Mileage-Personal Vehicle.)

    Group Travel

    Three or more individuals traveling together on CSU Pueblo business.

    In-State Travel (Blanket Travel)

    Travel within State of Colorado and immediate area outside Colorado that is a necessary part of an otherwise in-state trip. Approval from department always required. TEM doc# number from Kuali TA required only if airline/common carrier travel is used or Travel Advance requested

    International Travel

    International Travel Authorization Process:

    Traveler/Arranger must provide an email to the Senior Executive Assistant in the Office of the President requesting approval. The Traveler/Arranger must attach proof of approval by their Department Chair, Dean, Provost or Vice President, dependent on traveler’s reporting structure. Additionally, International Travel that involves students need to have approval from International Programs. The approval must be attached to the Notes & Attachments section of the TA.

    Email must include:

    a. Purpose and Justification for travel

    b. Dates of travel

    c. Location to where traveler is going (must specify hotel and/or where traveler is staying - Risk Management requirement)

    d. Estimated Costs

    e. Account to be expensed for travel


    Internet Airfare Purchases

    Travelers who wish to purchase airline tickets on the Internet must first provide the Internet fare quote to an approved travel agency for comparison. If approved travel agency cannot meet or beat the Internet fare, within $50, including fees, than travelers can proceed with the Internet purchase. Travelers must purchase the ticket using their individual State Travel Cards and will not be reimbursed until trip completion. Include original itemized receipt/ POP with TRS ; reference travel agency quote in notes section of Kuali Travel Reimbursement. See also Airline Tickets.


    Intra-city Transportation

    Transportation costs (shuttles, buses, taxis, etc.) at traveler’s destination are reimbursable. Original itemized receipt/ POP required for any single item charge over $25.


    Reimbursable to the extent of actual cost of reasonable accommodations as set by traveler’s department. Approving authority shall determine reasonable costs of the lodging. State Travel Card must be used to cover cost of lodging. Original itemized receipts/ POP always required.


    Lodging Deposit

    Use Disbursement Voucher (DV) to issue payment (one night/person) directly to vendor. (DV must clearly identify this as a deposit. Attach original invoice to DV, submit in Kuali.) Otherwise, use traveler’s State Travel Card. (Reimbursable upon trip completion. Attach original itemized receipt/ POP to TR, submit in Kuali.)



    University employees on personal (non-business) travel may be able to take advantage of State lodging price agreements at vendor’s discretion.



    Not reimbursable. Single-room occupancy rate must be indicated on lodging receipt.

    Maximum Meal Reimbursement

    The State has elected to use the standard method for reimbursement under regulations issued by the IRS. Therefore, employees authorized to travel shall be reimbursed using the standard allowance method for meals daily rather than the actual cost method. Employees can claim 75% of the destination city's per diem, including incidental Expenses on the day of departure, and 75% of the city's per diem rate including incidental Expenses on the day of return. Employees cannot be reimbursed for meals provided at a conference if the meals are a part of the registration fee. Standard costs are limited to a Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount specific to the geographic travel location. The State of Colorado's Maximum Allowable Meal Per Diem Rates represent the University's Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount: refer to


    Meal Receipt Threshold

    The Standard allowance of the destination city being traveled to is the Maximum Reimbursement Amount.

    Meals during Single-Day Trip

    If travel is wholly within a single day: Breakfast is reimbursable if business requires that traveler leave home before 5:00 a.m. Lunch is never reimbursable. Dinner is reimbursable if business requires that traveler return home after 8:00 p.m. Per State Controller and/or IRS regulations, breakfast/dinner reimbursements for single-day trips are reported as income.

    Mileage-Personal Vehicle

    Reimbursable, using State rates, when in travel status: If road conditions require four-wheel-drive vehicle, must get authorization. To help travelers calculate miles driven, see

    Mileage vs. Airfare-Required

    Traveler will be reimbursed for actual trip cost (mileage, lodging, meals up to Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount) if vehicle travel is required due to nature of trip or items which must be transported, or because multiple travelers make vehicle travel the lowest cost.

    Mileage vs. Airfare-Traveler’s Option

    Traveler will be reimbursed for driving cost (mileage, lodging, meals up to Maximum Meal Reimbursement amount) up to actual total flight cost (transportation to/from Colo. Springs Airport/DIA, airfare, destination ground transportation). Calculation of airfare cost is based on lowest obtainable 14-day advance restricted fare. Traveler must declare annual leave for any additional days required as a result of alternative travel.

    Nested Tickets

    Two or more scheduled trips made without returning to traveler’s home base. Reimbursable if total cost of nested tickets is less than total of individual round-trip tickets. Must be purchased through an approved travel agency. Only one TEM doc# needed.


    No Cost to the State

    Regardless of who is paying for the trip, traveler must obtain a TEM doc# number if out-of-state/international travel or travel by airline/other common carrier is involved. Traveler must reimburse CSU Pueblo for any travel-related expenses incurred by CSU-Pueblo and ultimately paid by another entity.


    Non-Employee Meals, Lodging, Travel

    Governed by same rules that apply to employee travel-related expenses. (Exception: Non-employees cannot receive advances.) Sponsoring department is encouraged to take advantage of State contract airfares and work with approved travel agencies, however, non-employees can make their own travel arrangements. TEM doc# required for non-employees only if department purchases airline ticket directly.


    Out-of-State Travel

    Travel other than in Colorado and that is within the 50 United States, including District of Columbia. Approval from department always required.


    Reimbursable when it is a necessary part of the trip, e.g., parking at traveler’s destination, parking at Colorado Springs Airport/DIA.

    Per Diem (Meals)

    See Maximum Meal Reimbursement. See

    Personal Expenses

    Expenses incurred for traveler’s benefit – e.g., magazines, dry cleaning, laundry, athletic club fees, movie rentals, other entertainment – are not reimbursable.

    Personal Travel combined with Business Travel

    Only business-related cost of travel will be reimbursed.

    POP (Proof of Payment)

    To be reimbursed for an expense, traveler must provide both evidence of the expenditure (original itemized receipt documenting nature/cost of item) and proof of payment (demonstrating that he/she personally covered that expense). If receipt does not indicate that bill was paid (by cash, check, credit card) and balance is zero, traveler must provide additional documentation to that effect (e.g., credit card slip).

    Procurement Card

    University MasterCard. Not used for travel. (Exception: Should be used for conference/event registration, if accepted by vendor.)

    Propriety of Expense Rule

    Travel paid by CSU Pueblo, regardless of funding source, shall be for the benefit of the State and completed using the most economical means available which will satisfactorily accomplish the State’s business. Traveler requests reimbursement – and Approving Authority approves payment – only for those expenses incurred for the benefit of CSU Pueblo.


    Travelers must submit original itemized receipts for all individual charges exceeding $25. (Exceptions: Regardless of dollar amount, original itemized receipts required for all car rental, vehicle gas purchases and for all lodging.)


    Eligible expenses incurred while in travel status are reimbursable upon trip completion, according to rules in this Guide. (Exception: If another entity is paying for business travel, traveler must reimburse CSU Pueblo for any travel-related expenses incurred by CSU-Pueblo and ultimately paid by another entity.) See also POP and Receipts.


    Rental Vehicle

    ONLY Rent from Avis, Hertz, Budget and Enterprise. (Mandatory use of these four only) Charge to traveler’s State Travel Card. In all cases, traveler should decline all insurance. Liability insurance provided at no cost to traveler by rental agency when renting with State corporate rates from State contract rental agencies. CDW (Collision Damage Waiver)/comprehensive insurance provided at no cost to traveler by JP Morgan Chase MasterCard when certain terms and conditions are met. (Exceptions: Coverage limited to 31 days. Coverage not provided for off-road operation of vehicle. Coverage not provided for some types of rental vehicles, including some vans. Coverage not provided in Israel, Jamaica, Republic of Ireland, or Northern Ireland.)

    Some countries may require traveler to purchase additional rental vehicle insurance; this cost is reimbursable if requirement for insurance is documented. Note: This cost may not be reimbursable if using grant project funds. Traveler should obtain complete insurance information before the trip from the JP Morgan Chase MasterCard Program Administrator.

    Original itemized receipts always required for reimbursement of car rental costs and for rental car gas purchases regardless of dollar amount. For IN STATE rentals, no taxes should be charged to you for your rental.

    For travel on sponsored/grant project funds, rental vehicle use will be determined by grant policies and may not be allowed.


    Shared Costs-Employees

    Should not be combined. Each TEM doc# should be a record of one traveler’s trip. If two CSU-Pueblo employees in travel status share lodging, each should pay his/her own portion of lodging and submit separate reimbursement requests. If vendor cannot separate cost of shared lodging, one employee should pay total bill and request full reimbursement, indicating whose lodging is included on that bill. Meal reimbursements are always requested separately by each traveler.


    Grant Programs

    Travel on grant project funds must be approved in advance by the appropriate campus administrator.

    State Travel Card

    See JP Morgan Chase MasterCard.


    Student Meals, Lodging, Travel

    Governed by same rules that apply to employee travel-related expenses and use of TEM doc#.



    Traveler who needs to purchase non-travel items may request reimbursement of goods/supplies up to $25 total per trip on TA. Training materials or other items over $25 used for University Business should be purchased on the Procurement Card.


    TEM Doc Number (T-12345)

    In Kuali, a unique number assigned to a trip. Can be found on TA document in upper right hand corner.


    TA (Travel Authorization Form)

    TA in Kuali required for the following travel:

    • Employee/student travels out of state; or,
    • Employee/student will be traveling on an airline or other common carrier (to any destination); or,
    • Employee/student needs an advance and use of the State Travel Card at an ATM is not an option.

    TEM doc# is required for a non-employee only if the department will be purchasing a common carrier ticket directly for that person or they will be receiving any kind of reimbursement from the trip.

    When is a TA not required?

    • All in state travel that is covered by the Blanket Approval form provided by Accounts Payable (X2238)

    Tax Implications

    Per State Controller and/or IRS regulations: Signed completed Travel Reimbursement Sheet (TRS) all supporting documentation must be received in Accounts Payable within 60 days of trip end to avoid having reimbursement reported as income. Breakfast/dinner reimbursement on single-day trips always reported as income.


    Telephone/Fax/Modem Line Charges

    Reimbursable if for CSU-Pueblo business. In addition, traveler can make one personal telephone call (not to exceed $2.00) for each full day in travel status. When using hotel services, these charges must be itemized and traveler must identify any business-related charges.


    Travelers can be reimbursed for reasonable tips given to bellhops, porters, maids, and ground transportation personnel. Tips have been include in the State Per Diem Rates under Incidental Expense.

    Toll Road Charges

    Reimbursable, if out of state.

    Traffic Fines/Tickets

    Not reimbursable.

    Travel Insurance

    Not normally reimbursable: depends on actual insurance coverage available from State contract rental agencies and State Travel Card. See also Rental Vehicle.


    Traveler’s Checks

    Fees for traveler’s checks are normally reimbursable. (Exception: May not be reimbursable from a grant project if traveling on Federal funds.)

    TR (Travel Reimbursement)

    Found in Kuali, is used to request reimbursement for travel-related expenses (meals, lodging, mileage, on-site event registrations, etc.). Accounts Payable must receive Kuali TR/supporting documentation within 60 days of trip end – within 30 days if traveler received an advance.


    Reimbursable if needed in order to enter a foreign country. (Exception: May not be reimbursable from a project if traveling on Federal funds.)

    Visa Costs

    Normally reimbursable. (Exception: May not be reimbursable from a project if traveling on Federal funds.)​​​​

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