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Purchasing Process

Colorado State University Pueblo is an agency of the State of Colorado and as such is governed by the laws of the State, the State Procurement Rules and the policies and regulations of the Board of Governors. The University Purchasing Department has been granted its authority by the Division of Purchasing, State of Colorado. The University has established a centralized Purchasing Department that is responsible for the procurement of all services and materials utilized by the University system. The University's fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th.

As an agency of the State of Colorado, the University is exempt from all federal, state and local taxes. State Tax Number: 98-00035.

Colorado State University Pueblo has adopted an Affirmative Action Plan which includes the following:

"Colorado State University Pueblo does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex. The University complies with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, related Executive Order 11246 and 11375 and all civil rights laws of the State of Colorado. Accordingly, equal opportunity for employment and admission shall be extended to all persons and the University shall promote equal opportunity and treatment through a positive and continuing affirmative action program. Furthermore, all contracts or orders of $10,000 or more, insofar as applicable, incorporate by reference the provisions of the equal employment opportunity clause set forth in Federal Executive Order 11246."

Purchasing Procedure

The CSU Pueblo Department must verify the vendor is a current vendor in Kuali. When searching for vendors be sure to use the * as a wildcard.  Please be sure to try the wildcard before and after the name or part of the name you are searching (i.e. *smith*). If the vendor is not entered in Kuali, then the CSU Pueblo Department must obtain a completed W-9 and a completed Vendor Self Certification Form (VSCF). The completed W-9 and VSCF are then sent to the Purchasing Department for data entry into Kuali. Once the vendor has been finalized, a department determines its needs and details them on a Purchase Requisition. A Purchasing Agent edits the requisition for specification accuracy and determines the procurement procedure to follow.

Commodities under $10,000 and services under $25,000 do not have to be bid. However, the Purchasing Agent must use professional judgment to insure that the University is receiving maximum value for money spent. He/she may solicit bids, either verbal or written, if it is deemed in the best interest of the University to do so.

Commodities costing between $10,000 and $150,000 and services costing between $25,000 and $150,000 must be competitively bid by securing documented quotations through the Rocky Mountain E-Procure System (RMES). The lowest bid for acceptable goods or services, delivery and terms considered, generally determines the award. Sealed written bids may also be used for procurements in this dollar range.

All purchases over $150,000 shall be processed by obtaining competitive sealed bids or proposals through the State of Colorado "BIDS" system. Invitations for Bid (IFB) allow vendors at least 15 days to respond. An IFB is used when cost alone, specifications being met, will be the determining factor. When alternates are bid, the University shall be the sole judge of equivalency, and it reserves the right to accept such bids and make awards as are deemed to be in the best interest of the University and the State of Colorado. Requests for Proposals (RFP) are used when it is in the University's best interest to consider other factors as well as cost. RFP's (generally used for services in excess of $150,000) require a minimum of 30 days for vendors to respond. All evaluation factors, including cost, will be given a weighted value. Each proposal submitted will be evaluated by a committee. The vendor submitting the proposal most advantageous to the University will be awarded the contract. When designated as a "sealed bid", the bids/proposals are read at the time and place specified on the request. Vendor representatives are invited to attend any and all "sealed bid" openings in which they are involved.

The result of these procedures is generally the issuance of a Regular Purchase Order or an Open Purchase Order by the Purchasing Department.

Purchasing Documents

Regular Purchase Order

A Regular Purchase Order is an order placed with a vendor for a one-time purchase of goods or services. The order is placed for a specific quantity at a specific price.

Open Purchase Order

An Open Purchase Order is issued to a vendor when the ordering department expects to make repeated purchases of goods or services over an extended period of time. Items and prices will be specified on the Open Purchase Order along with dollar limits for individual transactions and maximum total of the PO. Only individuals specified on the PO are authorized to place orders. The term of the PO may not exceed one year and in any event may not extend beyond the end of the current fiscal year.

Credit Card

Authorized University personnel may purchase goods up to $3,000.00 using their Procurement Card (PCARD).

These documents, Regular Purchase Order, Open Purchase Order, and PCARD are the only official means by which the University can be obligated for payment. The University will not be responsible for any goods delivered or services performed without authorization from one of these documents signed by a University Purchasing Agent (PO or Open PO). If a vendor does not have one of these documents BEFORE delivery of the goods or services, State Of Colorado Statute 24-109-404 shall apply. This places responsibility for payment upon the University employee who actually made the purchase.

State Mandatory Price Agreements

The State of Colorado Division of Purchasing establishes contracts, through the bidding process, with vendors to furnish goods and services commonly used by state agencies. The University is required to use these contracts when purchasing the designated commodities.

State Permissive Price Agreements

The State Purchasing Division also establishes price agreements with vendors to furnish goods and services used by state agencies. These agreements may be initiated through bidding or negotiation with sole source vendors. State agencies are urged to use these price agreements. However, they are not required to, if they are able to buy more advantageously elsewhere for their own situation.

Delivery of Materials/Payment of Invoices

All materials and supplies should be delivered to the University Central Receiving Department (2200 N. Bonforte Boulevard, Physical Plant Building) unless otherwise authorized by the Purchasing Department. An original invoice should be sent to the University Accounts Payable Department (2200 N. Bonforte Boulevard, Administration Building, 2nd floor). Each invoice should reference the Purchase Order Number. A packing slip or similar document, referencing the PO should accompany the materials to Central Receiving. In the case of services rendered, the same invoicing procedure should be followed. The Purchase Order, Receiving and Invoice are matched in Accounts Payable and processed for payment. Normal University terms are Net 30 days. However, should discounts be offered, every effort is made to take advantage of them. All inquires concerning payment of invoices should be directed to Accounts Payable, 719.549.2238.

As a reminder, vendors should NEVER deliver materials or perform services without an official University purchasing document and corresponding number. The University will not be liable for payment without the vendor first having this authorization.

Vendor Application/Bid Information and Distribution System (BIDS)

The State of Colorado has developed a central Bid Notification System that will provide notices of solicitations being issued by all State agencies. This system is the result of legislation sponsored and supported by the small and minority business community. The BIDS system is located the Rocky Mountain E-Procurement System (RMES). Bid notices are available to anyone with access to the Internet. However, bid specifications and complete bid packages can only be seen and printed by registered bidders. Registration information and instructions are located at the end of every bid notice. University bids will only be issued on RMES and only registered bidders may respond to a bid or be awarded a contract. Vendors are invited to visit the State Purchasing Office home page for more information.

All vendors are encouraged to visit the Purchasing Department and meet with the Purchasing Agent responsible for your specific product. Catalogs and brochures are welcome. Purchasing can help determine which departments on campus may need them. Appointments may be made by calling 719.549.2772.

The University adheres to the State of Colorado directive on "Open Records" availability. The Purchasing Department, as purchasing representative of the University, will not endorse or promote any products for sale to other than University users.

Equipment and merchandise may be placed in a University Department for a short-term trial or demonstration after receiving approval from the proper Purchasing Agent. For demonstrations or display of product lines, again contact the appropriate Purchasing Agent who will advise you on the proper procedures to follow, and direct you to the University source responsible for arrangements. Risk insurance coverage on trial merchandise is solely the responsibility of the vendor. Leaving materials for evaluation in no way obligates the University.

It is preferred that visits to the Purchasing Department, located on the 3rd floor, Administration Building, Room #309, be made between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Visitor parking space for the convenience of vendor representatives is available in the Visitor Parking Lot in front of the Administration Building. We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

Purchasing Department


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