Participate in Research
What is SONA, the research participation system?
Research is a key component of many fields. Participating in human subjects research provides students with real-world exposure to research methods and design that helps reinforce the concepts they learn in their classes.
SONA Systems includes a number of useful features for student participants, researchers, and instructors, including basic survey creation, data storage, participant scheduling and reminders, and instructor reports.
The SONA administrator for AY 2024-25 is:
Richard Walker
More Information for:
Do I have to participate in a study?
- No, ethically you cannot be required to participate in a study. If you cannot participate due to scheduling or age or if you do not want to participate for any reason, there is an alternative assignment in SONA that you can complete instead of a research study.
Can I participate in research if I'm under 18?
- No, you must be 18 years old or older to participate. You can instead complete the alternative assignment - a research article summary - in SONA.
How do I get started?
- To participate in research or complete the alternative assignment, go to and click “Request an Account”
- Enter your name, CSUP email address, and select the courses that you are in
- Be sure to use the email address containing your name, not your NetID login address
- After logging in, click “View available studies”. You may read more about each study or sign up to participate by clicking the study names
- For a video overview, view the Participant Tutorial here:
How do I assign my SONA credits to different classes or update my class enrollment?
- For a quick video demo, click here:
- Read more on how to reassign credits by clicking here
- Read more on how to add or change classes by clicking here
How do I make a researcher account?
- Please email the SONA administrator with the following information:
- Your full name
- Email address
- Account type - researcher, instructor, or both
- Researchers only: Should the system send a daily email reminder of the next day's studies? (Y/N)
- You will be sent your login information once your account has been created
How do I create or post a study?
- Review the Researcher Tutorial here:
- After creating your new study, send a request for approval and attach a copy of your IRB approval letter or email it to the SONA administrator for review.
- Your study will be posted and you will be notified after it is approved by the SONA administrator
- Please email the SONA administrator with the following information:
What should I put in my syllabus?
- You can access example language for a “research experience assignment” by clicking here
How do I list my classes in SONA?
- PSYC 100 and PSYC 151 courses will be automatically added to SONA each semester. For other courses, contact the SONA administrator with your course abbreviations, numbers, and dates/times (e.g., PSYC 361 TR 9:00am) and they will be added to the system.
How do I see how many credits my students participated in?
- The SONA administrator will email you with updates on your students' credit completion. You can also email the SONA administrator any time to request a course report.