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Statement from the Chair

It’s an exciting time to be part of Media & Entertainment, especially here within CSU Pueblo’s School of Creativity + Practice where we embrace collaboration across art, media, and music. We are excited to offer revamped and new curricular options that emphasize content-creation, collaboration, and innovation across media. Our program is rooted in the very media with which we are familiar and share an essential core across all five concentrations — Multimedia Journalism & Storytelling, Sports & Esports Media, Strategic Communication, Media & Entertainment Production, and Media, Entertainment, & Arts Management.

From virtual reality to gaming, new technologies are transforming everything we do and how we communicate. We have collaborated with Art & Creative Media to develop SoCaP’s first joint degree in Gaming and Immersive Media – the first of its kind in the region. Through our new and revised course offerings, students will gain experience and develop an understanding of how these technological advancements impact our industries.

 Our professionally focused curriculum replicates real world experiences to prepare our graduates for long lasting careers across media, entertainment, and the creative industries. We work with our stakeholders to keep up with industry trends, provide internship opportunities, and bring experienced professionals and educators together into the classroom to offer the best possible educational experience. 

We are in the process of upgrading and transforming Buell Communications Center and integrating with our constituents to meet industry needs and support interdisciplinary content creation. Besides significant technological upgrades, we are repurposing space to emphasize student media — the heartbeat of our program and school. Our new student media model embraces a truly student-run, faculty-advised approach, and is now open to all CSU Pueblo students.

The faculty and I are thrilled to be working with our students, industry partners, alumni, colleagues, and the community as we work to establish the Media & Entertainment program and School of Creativity + Practice as a powerhouse in Southern Colorado. If you would like to get in contact with me, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

- Jon PluskotaChair & Associate Professor

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