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Drug Free Workplace

Student Responsibilities

Use of alcohol and other drugs by students is defined by the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

All CSU-Pueblo students are required to abide by University policies, as well as local, state, and federal regulations regarding alcohol and other drugs. A link outlining such laws is provided below.

  • The use, possession, consumption, distribution, or presence of alcohol is prohibited at all times in all University Residence Halls.
  • All student organization functions are required to be alcohol-free. Exemptions may only be granted by the Dean of Student Affairs.
  • Devices and activities that promote the heavy use of alcohol, such as "beer bongs" or "beer pong" are prohibited.
  • The possession, use, and/or distribution of illegal drugs, including prescription medications that are not prescribed by a medical provider, is prohibited.
  • The use of marijuana on campus, even with a valid medical marijuana license, is prohibited.

Violation of the Alcohol and Other Drug Use Policy will result in judicial sanctions, which may result in suspension or expulsion. The full policy may be read at the Student Judicial Affairs webpage

Faculty/Staff Responsibilities

All employees must follow the Drug Free Workplace Policy. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary sanctions, which may include termination.

Local, State, And Federal Laws

Illegal use of alcohol or other drugs carries the consequences of local, state, and federal laws. CSU-Pueblo encourages students, faculty, and staff to be aware of these laws.

A table is attached to help understand alcohol and other drug offenses and their consequences. This table is not comprehensive of all statutes and laws, and may not include local statutes applicable to where you live. Check your local government's website for more details.

Health Risks

In addition to legal, vocational, and educational consequences, the use of alcohol or other drugs can result in the following immediate and ongoing health concerns.

Alcohol - Risk of overdose causing illness, injury, comatose state, and death. Risks increase when combined with the heavy use of caffeine, or the use of other drugs. Long-term use may lead to dependence, addiction, or death.

Anabolic Steroids - Use of anabolic steroids can causes changes to the brain and body that lead to serious injury or death. Long-term use can result in damage to the cardiovascular system.

Benzodiazepines/Sedatives - Risk of overdose causing memory impairment, loss of reflexes, illness, injury, comatose state, and death. Risks increase with the use of alcohol.

Cocaine - High risk of overdose resulting in seizures, cardiac arrest, stroke, comatose state, and death. Long-term use can result in increased hostility, paranoia, and profound addiction and dependence.

Ecstasy/MDMA - Risk of overdose causing greatly increased body temperature, hypertension, kidney failure, exhaustion, and death. Long-term use may lead to damage to serotonin receptors in the brain.

Hallucinogens - Belladonna drugs carry the risk of overdose causing seizures, coma, psychosis, and death. Non-belladonna drugs carry the risks of dehydration, diarrhea and nausea. Hallucinations from use may result in long-term psychological problems.

Heroin - High risk of overdose resulting in decreased heart rate and breathing, illness, injury, comatose state, and death. Risk of withdrawal is very high, causing loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, shivering, sweating, cramps, and extreme sensitivity to pain. Even minimal use can develop dependence and addiction.

Marijuana - Use of marijuana may result in increased anxiety, impaired decision making, and complications to the cardiovascular system (particularly with individuals at-risk for heart disease). Long-term use is linked with impairment of certain brain functions (e.g. memory retention, reaction times) and decreased motivation.

Methamphetamine - High risk of overdose resulting in lethal cardiac arrest, extreme hyperthermia, and death. Long-term use can result in loss of teeth, blemishes on the skin, dependence, and addiction.

Nicotine - Risk of overdose is possible, but rare, resulting in dizziness, weakness, nausea, tremors, and convulsions. Even short-term recurrent use of nicotine can lead to addiction.

Prescription Medications - Risk of overdose causing nausea, vomiting, and death. Long-term use may lead to lethargy, dependence, and addiction. Use of prescription medication also carries risks of the related side effects of that prescription medication.

Interim Coordinator, Health Education and Prevention Program

Sarah Lawson
Office: 719.549.2121

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