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All Human Resources forms that require personal identifying information have been removed from the web site. For your convenience, the forms are available in a new folder: I:\University Common\Human Resources Forms. For assistance, please contact Human Resources at 549-2441.

All new employees must complete form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification. The Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity must verify required identification by the first day of employment.

New Employees

Welcome to CSU Pueblo! As a new employee, you must complete the following electronic documents:

This is not an exhaustive list, as these e-documents are under development. Please monitor your email and be responsive to requests for additional forms that must be completed.

Hiring a new employee, or bringing back a former employee?

Please take the time to review the Demographic and I-9 Info Sheet for Hiring Departments. It includes information about the demographic sheet, the NetID creation and activation process, and Form I-9 requirements.



    All Staff


    Retirement Programs

    Selection of one of these retirement plans is mandatory:
    PERA (DBP)
    TIAA-CREF 401A DCP Plan   800.842.2009
    Valic 401A DCP Plan   800.892.5558 

    The following are voluntary retirement plans:
    PERA ( 401k, 457, Roth 401k, Roth 457)
    TIAA-CREF 403B
    Valic 403B


    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


    Employee Discount Program

    Occasionally the Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity receives different discount offers. These discounts will be posted on the HR web page. The University assumes no obligation for these programs and does not endorse any of the organizations or their services, products or programs.  Any arrangements for services and products purchased through discount offers are the sole responsibility of the individual employee.

    Additionally, state employees are eligible for discounts on numerous products and services. All employees are eligible for these discounts. These offers change frequently and employees should check the Web site for more information.

    Employee discounts are available through the State of Colorado Employee Discount Program by signing up with BenefitHub.  Below is the link to the discount program information:

    Employee Discount Program

    Any arrangements, or services and products purchased with this discount program are the sole responsibility of the individual employee. The University, State of Colorado and Work-Life Program assume no obligation for these arrangements and do not endorse any of the organizations or their services, products or programs. All arrangements are strictly between the employee, as a consumer, and the service provider.

    All state employees are encouraged to shop and compare prices and services before purchasing, signing any contract, or making any arrangements. The University, State of Colorado and the Work-Life Program assume no responsibility for any arrangements, contracts, purchases, or disputes between individual employees and any discount vendor. The State of Colorado Work-Life Program does not negotiate, guarantee, or endorse discount vendors or discount prices and it is highly suggested each employee research and compare prices, levels of service, and any licensing or certification requirements, as should be done when making any purchase, before agreeing to any arrangement, contract, or purchase.


    State Incentive Program

    C.R.S. Section 24-50-903 establishes an incentive program under which state employees can submit suggestions for state agency improvements that result in cost savings. The Department of Personnel & Administration has developed the Idea Application form and standard evaluation criteria, as required by the statute.  The form is available at

    The established standard evaluation criteria are listed in the “Technical Assistance – State Employee Cost Savings Incentive Program”, available at, under “Compensation."

    Please submit applications to the Human Resources Office, ADM 306, Attn:  Ralph Jacobs


    Smoking, vaping, and chewing tobacco products on campus

    In compliance with Executive Order B2018 011 signed by Governor Hickenlooper on November 2, 2018, the use of tobacco and other smoking products on state properties is prohibited.

    What does the order mean for CSU Pueblo faculty, staff, students, and visitors?

    • The use of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, vapors, hookah, and chewing tobacco are prohibited on University property, even products that do not contain nicotine.
    • The order applies to all University grounds, including leased space. This includes all of main campus, all residence halls, the ThunderBowl, and CSU Pueblo at Colorado Springs (formerly known as the Tower location).
    • The order bans tobacco use and vaping inside buildings and outside on all grounds, even in open areas away from buildings or foot traffic.

    The resources below are available to help you stop using tobacco products:

    Quit Smoking/Department of Health Care Policy & Financing:

    Tobacco Free CO:

    Colorado QuitLine: Access to free phone coaching, text support, and patches or gum; 1-800-QUIT-NOW or

    Acupuncture, prescription assistance, or smoking cessation classes may be available through your insurance provider, subject to individual and/or family deductibles and coinsurance. Log into your member account for more information.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142

Human Resources


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