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General FAQs


    What Should I do if I am Injured on the Job?

    All work related accidents and illnesses must be reported without delay to the immediate supervisor and Human Resources. The injured worker and supervisor must complete the appropriate report of injury forms available on the Human Resources website (Under your correct faculty status, all faculty and staff, classified, or admin pro) or in the Human Resources Office no later than four (4) WORKING DAYS AFTER THE ACCIDENT.  CSU Pueblo has designated Colorado Centers for Occupational Medicine (CCOM) and Southern Colorado Clinic Department of Occupational Medicine as the only providers for non-emergency work related injuries.  The Human Resources Office will schedule the appointment with the provider that the injured worker designates.   The injured worker will provide the Return to Work form to Human Resources and the immediate supervisor upon return from treatment.  The supervisor and Human Resources staff will evaluate any temporary restrictions and temporarily adjust the employee’s duties as appropriate. 

    In the event of a life or limb-threatening emergency, the injured employee will be transported to the nearest emergency medical facility.  However, follow-up care MUST BE provided by the following providers:

    CCOM (Centura Center for Occupational Medicine) / 4112 Outlook Blvd. Suite 37, Pueblo, CO 81008 / 719.562.6300

    Emergicare / 4117 N. Elizabeth St, Pueblo, CO 81008 / 719.545.0788

    Southern Colorado Clinic - Department of Occupational Medicine / 3676 Parker Blvd. Suite 220  Pueblo, CO 81008 / 719.553.2207

    St. Mary Corwin ER / 1008 Minnequa Ave. Pueblo, CO 81005 / 719.560.565

    If an employee is injured outside normal business hours of the four designated providers, they should seek treatment at St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center Emergency Room, and a Return to Work form is still required.

    If an employee is treated by any medical provider, other than the designated providers listed above, the employee will be responsible for payment of such treatment.


    What should I do if I’m changing bank accounts?

    You will need to complete a new Direct Deposit Application. This form may be obtained in Human Resources or Payroll or in PDF format. You should attach a deposit slip or voided check to the form when you submit it. You will be required to pick up the first paycheck after the change is submitted at the Cashier’s Office the month the change in bank occurs. Changes must be in payroll by the 15th of the month to occur in that month’s paycheck. 

    I’m recently married or divorced. What do I need to do?

    Come to Human Resources and complete the necessary paperwork. A spouse or ex-spouse may be added or deleted to existing insurances within 31 days of the event. You will be required to provide a copy of your certified marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please note that there may be a corresponding change in your payroll deduction. You may also want to update your tax exemptions and beneficiary designations on your insurance (Life and Travel) and retirement plan(s).

    I just had a birth or adoption in the family. What do I need to do?

    If you want to add the child to your benefits, come to Human Resources and complete the necessary paperwork. This must be done within 31 days of the event. You may also want to update your tax exemptions and beneficiary designations on your insurance (Life and Travel) and retirement plan(s).

    Where may I access an employee handbook?

    Employee handbooks can be accessed in the relevant employee classification tab on the Human Resources website.

    How will I be paid?

    All employees are paid on a monthly basis. Administrative/Professional, Faculty, and Classified employees are paid on the last working day of the month except in the month of June, which is paid on the first working day in July. Hourly employees are paid on the 15th of each month. Should the 15th fall on a weekend, payday will be the Friday that precedes the 15th.

    All employees are required to participate in the direct deposit program. New employees should complete the appropriate form in the basic new hire paperwork.  You are advised to attach a deposit slip to this form.

    The first paycheck is obtained from the University’s cashier window located in room 204 of the Administration Building. Thereafter, paychecks are deposited directly into the employee’s bank account of choice. The Payroll Office will provide verification of deposit via inter-campus mail.
    For questions concerning payroll please call 719.549.2801.


    Who can verify employment?

    Human Resources and Payroll may verify employment. Their respective numbers are 719.549.2441 and 719.549.2801.

    How do I access my personnel records?

    Contact Human Resources at 719.549.2441.

    Where do I obtain an employee ID card?

    CSU Pueblo employees may obtain an ID card in the Occhiato Student Center (OSC) Main Office, room 102, during regular working hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $10 and is paid at the time of purchase.

    CSU Pueblo Id cards may act as a debit card for Thunder Bucks. Please call Auxiliary Services at 719.549.2149 or visit their website for specifics.


    How do I change my address or other demographic information?

    Go to Human Resources to complete the necessary paperwork.

    How do I get a parking permit?

    To obtain a parking permit, you must complete the Parking Payroll Deduction Form in the Human Resources Department. Human Resources will verify your status as an employee and authorize the issuance of the parking permit. A payroll deduction will be made in accordance with the fees indicated on the form.  Parking permits will not be issued without a signature from the Human Resources Department. Completed forms are to be taken to the University Police Department that is presently under the jurisdiction of the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) located in room 118 of the Administration Building.  For all parking related questions please call 719.549.2373.

    Where can I park on campus?

    CSU Pueblo has a joint partnership with the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office to provide security and parking enforcement on campus. Please visit the Campus Security website to obtain specific information about parking on campus.

    How is mail sent and received on campus?

    During regular business hours, both inter-campus and U.S. mail are delivered to and picked up from various locations on campus daily. Each office is responsible for ensuring mail is picked up from these locations and distributed to individual offices and staff. The University's central mail facility is located in the Facilities Management Building. Services available at the mailroom include stamp sales, Express Mail, Federal Express, package mailing, and insured, registered, and return receipt requests.

    The University Mail Services Office is responsible for the receipt, delivery, and dispatch of U.S. mail and inter-campus mail for the University. The receipt of personal mail is prohibited for employees as is the distribution of unauthorized handouts, flyers, or pamphlets of non-campus solicitors or vendors.  Exceptions may be made on a temporary and/or case-by-case basis by contacting Human Resources.

    It shall be the policy of Colorado State University Pueblo that no non-campus agent, representative, or vendor shall be authorized to sell or solicit sales of its products or services, solicit donations, or distribute or post advertisements, flyers, or other material except through regular sales outlets such as the Bookstore.

    Exceptions may be made for:

    (a) national or local charitable drives or other purposes authorized by the University

    (b) approved notices posted by employees or students on authorized bulletin boards

    (c) solicitation of membership or dues for authorized University organizations

    d)University, authorized tax shelter annuity representatives and must be approved by the Office of Human Resources.

    Unauthorized vendors or solicitors shall be reported to the University Police Department.

    Postage is provided through departmental budgets for mail dealing with University business. All University mail to be metered should have a complete return address including the appropriate departmental account number. Mail to be metered should be in the mailroom by 3:00 p.m. Envelopes of different sizes are available for both inter-campus mail and U.S. mail in the departmental or college offices.    

    For answers to questions please contact the mail room at 719.549.2846 or 719.549.2299.


    Do you have an on-site child care center?

    Yes, the university does have an on-site child care center.  
    For more information please call: 719.549.2745 or 719.549.2407.

    What is the Emergency Closure Policy (weather, resource reductions, epidemic, etc.)?

    Employees should refer to the Colorado State University Pueblo Policies website or the Environmental Health and Safety website for specific information regarding emergency closure policies and procedures.
    Due to extreme weather conditions, energy resource reductions, or situations impacting normal operating conditions, it may be necessary to curtail or shut down university operations. The Emergency Closure Policy (ECP) will be followed in all CSU-Pueblo emergency closure situations.

    The emergency closure procedures are as follows:

    • The emergency closure process will be initiated by the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office substation on campus.
    • The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office will contact appropriate internal and external departments and agencies for input regarding the decision-making process.
    • The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office will provide by 5:45 a.m. to the Vice President for Finance and Administration a verbal report, including a general review of conditions, impending developments, and a recommendation for action. The Vice President for Finance and Administration will notify the President, who will make all closure decisions.
    • The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office will notify by telephone persons designated as having individual building responsibilities for any official closure. If necessary, a police officer will be dispatched to individual buildings to insure proper and complete notification.
    • The Vice President for Finance and Administration will notify the Provost and the Executive Director of the Office of Marketing, Communication, and Community Relations of any closures or shutdowns, including:
      • Partial closedown or delay–staff to report but no classes to be held.
      • Total closedown–no staff to report; no classes.
    • Unless instructed otherwise, all designated essential personnel (e.g., BRH, food service, Sheriff’s Office, Facilities Management, environmental health and safety, and auxiliary service units) will report to work.
    • All other employees will be notified by their supervisors whether or not to report (i.e., vice presidents will notify deans and directors, who in turn will notify department heads, and/or office managers, who in turn will notify faculty, classified staff and work study students in their respective areas). Those responsible for telephoning others will have available at all times an updated list of their contacts’ home telephone numbers. 
    • Employees who have not received direct notification within a reasonable amount of time should contact their supervisors if unsure about whether to report.
    • The Executive Director of the Office of Marketing, Communication, and Community Relations is responsible for notifying local and regional radio and television stations of campus closures through the Flashnet Media Service. Closure notification also will include the Pueblo Transportation Company and any non-law enforcement organizations that are appropriate.
    • Closure decisions impacting on-campus and off-campus evening classes (i.e., Colorado Springs and Canon City) should be made by 3 p.m.
    • Despite improving conditions, any decisions for closure will remain in effect for the period of time originally specified.
    • Decisions on afternoon and evening classes will be made no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day classes are scheduled.  Even if conditions improve, any decisions for closure will remain in effect for the period of time originally specified.

    NOTE:  During periods of time that the University is closed due to weather or other emergency conditions as defined above, all employees who were scheduled to work are granted administrative leave.  However, if an employee was on scheduled annual leave or sick leave, administrative leave CANNOT be substituted and so the time off is still charged as sick or annual leave.

    If the University is open and an employee is unable to (or chooses not to) report to work, they must submit annual leave for that time missed.  If they do not have time available in their annual leave balance, it is leave without pay. 


    What is my job classification?

    The State of Colorado requires all classified positions be evaluated and classified in the state’s job evaluation system.  This system measures work content against four job-related factors-decision-making, complexity, purpose of contact and line staff authority - to distinguish groups of jobs and the level of individual job assignments, and places individual positions into job groups. The system consists of class descriptions, broad ranges of like jobs categorized into eight occupational groups and subgroups. 

    Certified Job Evaluators through the State of Colorado review current and accurate job descriptions and determine classification. Check with your Supervisor or Human Resources for your job classification.  

    No such classification system exists for the Administrative/Professional positions on campus.

    Faculty classification is based on the Faculty Handbook, which may be found at the following website


    Am I overtime eligible?

    Human Resources is responsible for determining overtime eligibility in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for Administrative Professional and Classified positions on campus. Overtime eligibility will be noted on the job description by Human Resources. Copies of job descriptions will be made available to the employee.  If an employee is overtime eligible, a standard work schedule will be developed and communicated to the employee utilizing the “Notice of Work Schedule” form available in Human Resources or on the HR website. 

    Overtime for eligible employees is earned once the employee works more than 40 hours in a standard workweek. The standard workweek is Saturday at 12:01 a.m. through the following Friday at Midnight.  Overtime is paid at a rate of 1.5 times actual hours worked over 40 in a workweek. Overtime must be approved in advance utilizing the Overtime Request and Authorization Form, unless circumstances prohibit prior approval. It is the practice of the University to provide compensatory time off in lieu of monetary payment.  However, supervisors may make monetary payments through regular payroll with Dean, Director or Appointing Authority approval. All overtime, whether paid in time or monetarily, must be paid within four (4) months of the end of the pay period in which it was earned. 

    For the full overtime usage and reporting policy, visit Human Resources.


    What are your procedures for leaving University employment?

    Administrative Professional:

    Administrative Professional personnel who intend to resign their positions shall submit a written letter of resignation to their supervisor and appointing authority with a copy provided to the Human Resources Office. Upon receipt of the resignation letter, Human Resources will send the employee the “Employee Separation Checklist” and the “Annual Leave Payout Request “forms. Completed forms must be submitted to HR before separation occurs. 

    Administrative Professional employees should give the institution thirty (30) days notice of their resignation. A resignation may be rescinded only if the employee and the appointing authority mutually agree.


    You are expected to submit a written resignation to your appointing authority and a copy to Human Resources at least 10 working days before the effective date, unless you and your appointing authority agree to less time. If you do not give sufficient notice, your records may reflect that fact, and it may result in a delay of leave payout and forfeiture of reinstatement privileges. You may withdraw your resignation within two business days of giving notice. Your appointing authority has the option of approving a request to withdraw a resignation that is made after two business days.  Upon receipt of the resignation letter, Human Resources will send the employee the “Employee Separation Checklist” and the “Annual Leave Payout Request “forms. Completed forms must be submitted to HR before separation occurs.

    An employee, who resigns in lieu of disciplinary action, while under suspension, or while awaiting disciplinary action, forfeits the right to a hearing on the action or suspension.

    If you are absent without approved leave for five or more scheduled consecutive working days and have not contacted your supervisor or appointing authority, and they cannot contact you, you may be deemed to have resigned and are ineligible for reinstatement.


    At-will contract faculty who intend to resign their appointments must submit a written letter of resignation to the Department Chair with a copy to Human Resources at the earliest possible opportunity.

    Probationary and tenure contract faculty who intend to resign must submit written letters of resignation to the President, with copies to the Department Chair, Dean and Human Resources, at the earliest possible opportunity, but not later than May 15 or fifteen (15) working days after receiving contracts of employment for the coming academic or fiscal year, whichever date is later.

    Upon receipt of the resignation letter, Human Resources will give the employee the “Employee Separation Checklist”.  The completed checklist must be returned to Human Resources before separation occurs.


    Who are the Appointing Authorities?

    According to Colorado Revised Statute 24-50-101(3)(d), “presidents of colleges and universities and their designees shall be the appointing authorities for employees of their respective institutions.”

    “Appointing authorities are responsible and accountable for the actual operation and management of their respective departments, colleges, or universities.”

    The official appointing authorities at Colorado State University Pueblo are:

    Dr. Timothy Mottet, President, and his designees:

    Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Ms. Chrissy Holliday, Vice President of Enrollment Management, Communication, and Student Affairs

    Mr. Karl Spiecker, Vice President for Finance and Administration

    Appointing authorities must approve, for employees in their respective colleges, divisions and departments, all new appointments, resignation withdrawals, leave without pay, funeral leave, administrative leave, leave for military training, other types of leave if questions arise, and tuition waivers.  Additionally, only appointing authorities may administer disciplinary action.

    The Office of Human Resources maintains a copy of the Colorado State Personnel Rules and Administrative Procedures available for review, as well as handbooks for the classified employees, faculty, and administrative/professional employees.  Rules for state classified employees are also available from the State of Colorado website.


    How does CSU Pueblo communicate emergency situations, closures and safety concerns to staff?

    The University has an emergency communication systems that include the use of an intercom system, bulk emails, public address speakers administered by the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office, the CSU Pueblo radio system, news and media releases, CSU Pueblo home page web site and a text message alert system.  Each CSU ALERT communication method will work in conjunction with the others to ensure the widest notification of the campus community possible. 

    How do I participate in the text messaging alert system?

    Employees of the University can sign up for the CSU Pueblo ALERT emergency notification and warning system. This program involves an emergency cellular phone text messaging alert service where in the event of an emergency or unexpected closing of the University, a text message will be sent to all enrolled cell phones. Employees may enroll by completing an “Emergency Text Messaging” form available in Human Resources.  

    Additional information about the emergency text messaging system can be found on the CSU Pueblo ALERT page

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