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New Hire FAQs

Congratulations on your appointment and welcome to Colorado State University-Pueblo! Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about beginning employment with CSU-Pueblo.  These will assist you in completing the first steps of your employment and help us to make sure your needs are met.  Again, Welcome to CSU-Pueblo!

New Hire FAQ


    What basic new hire paperwork is required on or prior to the first day of employment?

    New employees must contact Human Resources on or prior to their first day of employment in order to complete the following basic new hire paperwork.  Human Resources may be reached by calling (719) 549-2441 or visiting the office located in suite 306 of the Administration Building on campus.
    Electronic Forms:

    Form to be completed in Human Resources:

    • Retirement Application (Choices are VALIC, PERA for certain positions, or TIAA-CREF.)

    What is PERA?

    PERA is the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association that provides retirement and other benefits to eligible employees of the State of Colorado.  Here at the University, PERA is one substitute for Social Security.  This means that CSU-Pueblo is Social Security exempt and there are no contributions made by the employee or employer to Social Security and no credits earned for Social Security benefits.   Eligible employees contribute 8% to the trust fund.  CSU-Pueblo contributes approximately 11.5 percent or greater depending on employment type.

    Administrative/Professional staff and Faculty are eligible to participate in Colorado’s PERA if an employee has one year of earned service credit and previously has not closed their PERA account.  Otherwise they must participate in one of the Optional Retirement Plans (ORP), currently VALIC Retirement or TIAA-CREF. Employees hired in an Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) position, which normally is not PERA membership eligible, who have at least 12 months of PERA service credit may opt to continue PERA in lieu of the ORP.  However, once an employee has made a selection, they may not change it in the future.

    Classified employees must elect PERA retirement. 

    PERA retirees will be required to participate in one of the ORP plans.  The employee will contribute 8 percent to the plan.  Employer contributions will be sent to PERA.  Additionally, PERA retirees are subject to the working after retirement limitations even when they are covered by an ORP.  The limit of 110 days or 720 hours of employment in a calendar year applies to any employment with a PERA affiliated employer whether or not the position is subject to PERA membership.

    For more details please contact Human Resources.


    What is a Social Security Exemption Notice?

    The Social Security Exemption Notice is a Social Security form (SSA-1945) that notifies the employee of the possible effects to their future Social Security benefits while employed in a position at the University that is not covered by Social Security. 

    When you retire, or if you become disabled, you may receive a pension based on earnings from this job.  If you do, and you are also entitled to a benefit from Social Security based on either your own work or the work of your spouse, or former spouse, your pension may affect the amount of the Social Security benefit you receive.   Under the law, there are two ways your Social Security benefit amount may be affected.  They are the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset Provision.  For more information on these two provisions please see the actual form in the new hire paperwork, visit the Social Security website at, call toll free 1-800-772-1213, or contact your local Social Security office.

    How do I establish my ability to work in this country if I am not a US Citizen?

    All new hires to the University are required to show proof of authorization to work in the United States.  New hires must complete the Form I-9 within 3 business days of their first day of employment.  Failure to complete this form and provide the necessary documentation may delay the start of your employment.

    If you are a new hire that is not a US Citizen, under U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations, you must be able to submit evidence of the ability to accept work in the U.S. by the day employment begins.  No one will be placed on the University’s payroll until all employment procedures are fully satisfied. 

    If you have questions please contact Human Resources at 719.549.2441

    How do I initiate a benefits orientation?

    The Human Resources Department provides a fringe benefit orientation to eligible Administrative/Professional, Faculty and Classified employees. It is important to attend the orientation session so as to understand, select and enroll in the benefit programs of your choice.  You will be contacted by a Human Resources representative to schedule this orientation.  

    Administrative/Professional Staff and Faculty:  Administrative/Professional Staff and Faculty must enroll in Medical, Vision and Dental unless they have proof of other group insurance.  Failure to attend the orientation will result in default coverage being applied for those mandatory benefit plans and forfeiture of optional benefits.  These defaults and forfeitures cannot be changed until the next regularly scheduled open enrollment.  

    Classified employees:  Failure to attend orientation will result in the employee having no medical, vision or dental coverage through the benefit plans offered by the State of Colorado.  Coverage will not be available again until the next open enrollment period.  

    Benefit summaries are located on the relevant employee classification page (all faculty, classified, or admin-pro).

    Where do I obtain a parking permit?

    To obtain a parking permit, you must complete the Parking Payroll Deduction Form in the Human Resources Department.  Human Resources will verify your status as an employee and authorize the issuance of the parking permit.  A payroll deduction will be made in accordance with the fees indicated on the form.  Parking permits will not be issued without a signature from the Human Resources Department.  Completed forms are to be taken to the University Police Department that is presently under the jurisdiction of the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) located in room 118 of the Administration Building.  For all parking related questions please call 719.549.2373.

    Where do I obtain keys?

    The University’s key program is managed by the Facilities Management Office located at the Physical Plant or by calling 719.549.2211.  For each new or replacement key requested, end-users must complete a Key Request Form with appropriate signatures as required by Facilities Management.  Key Request Forms are available at the Facilities Management Office, the University Police Office, and Dean’s or Director’s Offices.  Loss of a key, especially a master key, needs to be reported to the University’s Police and Facilities Management Offices immediately.  All keys must be returned to the Facilities Management Office upon termination of employment.  Employees should contact the Facilities Management Office for information on replacing keys or locks.  

    How do I establish computer access?

    All faculty and staff of CSU-Pueblo are eligible for computer access accounts.  New employees must complete basic new hire paperwork and work with their department to submit an electronic IT application request before access will be given.   Departments who wish to have network access for their employee on the first day of employment must provide all the previously mentioned information in advance or allow a minimum of 3 days for processing upon their arrival.

    Upon completion of the basic new hire paperwork, new employees must work with their department and visit Information Technology (IT) website to electronically request computer/ network access.  The electronic document that needs to be completed is the CSU-Pueblo Computing Resource Application.  For answers to your IT questions or technical assistance please contact the IT Help Desk at 719.549.2002.

    How do I establish on-campus phone service?

    At CSU-Pueblo, Telecommunication Services (a department within Information Technology) is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and administration of all telephone, fax, and voicemail equipment and services.  To establish on-campus service you or your department will need to contact Telecommunication Services, which may be reached by calling 719.549.2566 or emailing them at

    Where do I obtain an employee ID card?

    CSU-Pueblo employees may obtain an ID card in the Occhiato Student Center Main Office, room 102, during regular working hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Cost is $10 and is paid at the time of purchase.

    CSU-Pueblo Id cards may act as a debit card for bookstore bucks and fiesta cash. Please call Auxiliary Services at 719.549.2149 or visit their website for specifics.

    How do I obtain my PID (personal identification number)?

    Employees of CSU-Pueblo are systematically assigned a “personal identification number” by the Administrative Information System (AIS) computer system.  This process occurs when Human Resources enters information from basic new hire paperwork into the AIS database.    

    Your PID number is listed on the top, middle portion of your monthly earnings statement.  It may also be obtained from Human Resources.  Please make note of this number and begin utilizing it on future university forms where you are asked to indicate your PID number.  Because many of our benefits are administered by companies outside CSU-Pueblo, most benefit forms will still require the use of your social security number.

    How will I be paid?

    All employees are paid on a monthly basis.  Administrative/Professional, Faculty and Classified, employees are paid on the last working day of the month except in the month of June, which is paid on the first working day in July.  Hourly employees are paid on the 15th of each month.  Should the 15th fall on a weekend, payday will be the Friday that precedes the 15th. 

    All employees are required to participate in the direct deposit program.  New employees should complete the appropriate form in the basic new hire paperwork.  You are advised to attach a deposit slip to this form.

    The first paycheck is obtained from the University’s cashier window located in room 204 of the Administration Building. Thereafter, paychecks are deposited directly into the employee’s bank account of choice. The Payroll Office will provide verification of deposit via inter-campus mail.

    For questions concerning payroll please call 719.549.2801.

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