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Faculty and Staff Resources

Accessibility Statements


    Syllabus Statement (Updated December 19, 2022)


    If you have a documented disability that may impact your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please see the Disability Resources as soon as possible to arrange services. Disability Resources is located in OSC 104, and can be reached by phone (719-549-2648) and email (

Accommodation Information


    Alternate Format Course Materials (Updated May 17, 2019)

    As an instructor, you will encounter students who require an alternate format of textbooks, handouts, or exams. Students with sight or learning disabilities may be granted this type of accommodation.

    Disability Resources provides by request classroom materials in alternative formats. Such formats include electronic, audio, and Braille. The DRSC retrieves electronic copies of textbooks using four different methods:

    1. AccessText is a conduit between the publishing world and us, with a shared mission to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to their textbooks in an accessible format and in a timely manner. This is typically the fastest way to receive electronic copies of texts. A list of publishing companies partnered with AccessText can be found at
    2. Bookshare offers the world’s largest collection of accessible titles. Books requested from Bookshare are provided in audio and electronic Braille. A list of publishing companies partnered with Bookshare can be found at
    3. Publisher Lookup was established to help disability support services professionals find the correct publisher contact from whom to request electronic files of textbooks in order to support students with print-related disabilities. When existing electronic copies of texts are not available through the first two methods, Disability Resources will request texts from the publisher directly. It can take up to 8 weeks (or longer) for Disability Resources to receive textbooks through this manner.
    4. Scanning the student’s book is the last option available to Disability Resources. After the publisher give permission and the student brings in the textbook, Disability Resources will remove the binding, use a scanner to retrieve an electronic copy, then rebind the book.

    There are times when handouts or tests for the class are not accessible to a student with a disability.
    Such items may be scanned documents, word processor documents, or pictures.

    Faculty can submit these items to Disability Resources for conversion into an accessible format for the particular student. The size and format of the item will vary the amount of time required for conversion; therefore, it is important to submit any such items to Disability Resources as soon as you are informed by your student that they will be affected. To request accessible formats, please email the documents to the, and include the following information:

    • Student's name
    • Course
    • Date materials are needed for student use
    • Whether the materials should be sent directly to the student

    Disability Resources will send instructors the formatted materials once formatting is completed.


    Note Taking Assistance (Updated May 26, 2017)

    As an instructor, you may have never experienced teaching a student who utilizes use of a notetaker in the classroom. Students with sight, learning, and some physical disabilities may be granted this type of accommodation. To make this situation more comfortable for all involved, Disability Resources has some suggestions for working with students with note taking as an accommodation.

    Notes as an accommodation are simply another student’s understanding and perception of what occurred during the class. Notes as an accommodation are not intended to be an exact duplication of what occurs in the classroom.

    When a student indicates they need a notetaker for a particular course, Disability Resources will employ a student notetaker. Effort will be made to hire a student from the same section of the course. However, if the notetaker is not enrolled in that section of the course, they will not participate in the course but will record lecture information for their assigned student with a disability. It may take time to identify and hire a notetaker; therefore, it may be necessary for the instructor to provide notetaking support to the student with a disability. This can include providing a copy of the instructor's slideshow presentation (if a slideshow is used), finding volunteers in class, or offering extra credit to students in class in exchange for a copy of their notes.


    Test Proctoring Services (Updated May 17, 2019)

    As an instructor, you may have students with disabilities who require additional time, separate space, or some type of aid in order to complete exams and quizzes. These accommodations allow such students to be tested on their knowledge of the course content while removing or reducing the impact of the barrier caused by the disability. 

    If instructors are unable to proctor the exam themselves, they may find alternatives so that accommodations can be provided. Such alternatives include, but are not limited to, using the University Testing Center.


    Working with ASL Interpreters (Updated May 26, 2017)

    Students attending CSU Pueblo have a variety of abilities, including those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. An accommodation provided to these students to ensure effective communication in the classroom and allow participation is the presence of sign language interpreters. The following information offers information regarding their roles and responsibilities and how they might enhance learning in both lecture and lab environments.

    Interpreter Roles and Responsibilities

    • Sign language interpreters bridge the communication gap by listening and translating lectures and discussions into sign language. They also translate the student's signed communication into spoken English when the student is called upon, has a comment or question, or makes a presentation.
    • Interpreters provide communication access for the student, the instructor, and the class.
    • Sign language interpreters are highly-skilled professionals who have studied American Sign Language and interpretation for many years.
    • Interpreters have an ethical responsibility to remain neutral. They cannot answer personal questions about the student, interject personal opinions, or assist a student with schoolwork. They are there strictly to translate what is being said. Address questions or comments regarding the student directly to the student.
    • Interpreters should not be expected to attend class when the student is absent, hand out papers, take notes, or participate in discussions.
    • Interpreters often work in teams. If classes are more than two hours in length or content is complex, there may be two interpreters in the class. One will be up front near the instructor interpreting, while the other is watching visuals and listening in order to assist the primary interpreter with cues as needed. They will switch every 15-20 minutes.
    • Situations may occur when it may be necessary for interpreters to share classroom information with other members of Disability Resources. However, any notes and transcripts are held to the same confidentiality policy as other disability-related accommodations.

    Ensuring Successful Classroom Communication

    • Make eye contact with and speak directly to the deaf student as though the interpreter is not present. This shows the student respect and helps develop the student/instructor relationship.
    • Expect lag time: Wait for interpretation and response before continuing to speak.
    • Deaf/hard-of-hearing students may or may not speak for themselves. Even if interpreters are present, the student may choose to speak for themselves when commenting or responding to questions in class.
    • During class, the speaker and interpreter should both be in the student’s line of sight. Interpreters may ask you where you are sitting or standing in order to be seated near you. Make sure you do not stand between the interpreter and the deaf student.
    • Keep in mind that the student must try and watch you as well as watch the interpreter. This is not always an easy task. Lecturing from the front of the room rather than walking around the room can help, as can ensuring that you face the class as much as possible and speak at a moderate pace.
    • Provide any class materials and handouts to interpreters, and do this in advance whenever possible. Advanced copies of lecture notes, technical terms, hand-outs, speeches, audio recordings, song lyrics, websites, PowerPoint slides, and other materials will help orient the deaf student and allow the interpreter to better prepare to translate the class content.
    • If you plan to read something aloud in class, provide the student and the interpreter with a copy before you begin (preferably in advance of class).
      • When reading aloud, people often tend to speak faster than normal. This may affect the interpreter's translation of the material. If possible, try to slow down a bit when reading.
      • You should also be aware that translation into ASL without seeing the written copy may affect the student in terms of the expectation for any exercise associated with the reading.
    • To get a deaf person's attention when an interpreter is not available, use a hand motion or wave in their field of peripheral vision.
    • If appropriate, clarify disability-related needs with the student directly. Otherwise, contact Disability Resources.

    Working with d/Deaf Students and Interpreters in Lab Settings

    Often professors in the sciences have safety concerns about having deaf students and interpreters in lab settings. In fact, deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals are no more or no less susceptible to safety issues in the lab than other students. Here are a few things to consider in order to ensure an effective and safe learning environment for all. Please review these with TAs as well.

    • Most deaf students have had some prior science background, so they are familiar with the setting. The student is a great resource in determining what will work best in your lab setting.
    • The student should have a lab station that provides an unobstructed view of the instructor. The student must be able to see any instruction and demonstration that occurs. The interpreter must be able to hear and see all instruction as well.
    • Occasionally, interpreters may ask for clarification so that they can interpret concepts, tasks, and procedures more clearly. However, the interpreters are not instructors, and should not be relied on to explain concepts or show the student how to do procedures in the lab.
    • It is helpful if the professor or TA can meet with the student and interpreters before the first lab in order to discuss logistics. This meeting should take place in the actual lab so that everyone can agree on best physical placement of student and interpreters, as well as any other concerns.
    • If students are required to wear special safety gear, such as lab coat, goggles, gloves, etc., such gear should be provided to interpreters as well.

Support Animals on Campus (Updated December 19, 2022)


    Animals on Campus Policy

    The University approved an Animals on Campus policy in 2022, unifying it's separate policies for service animals and emotional support animals.

    Service animals are dogs individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. They are working animals—not pets—and are trained to provide a service directly related to their handlers’ specific disabilities, completing such tasks as:

    • Assisting with navigation
    • Alerting to the presence of people or sounds
    • Providing non-violent protection
    • Pulling a wheelchair
    • Assisting an individual during a seizure
    • Alerting to the presence of allergens
    • Retrieving items (e.g., medicine, telephone)
    • Providing physical support with balance
    • Preventing/interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.

    Service animals are allowed in classrooms, laboratories (with safety gear when required for others), campus buildings, and sports facilities without pre-approval from the University or Disability Resources per the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended in 2008.

    Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.



    When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, only limited inquiries are allowed. University employees may ask two questions:

    1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
    2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
    University employees cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training document for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.

    Expected Behaviors

    • Service animals must be controlled by device (e.g., harness, leash) unless such devices interfere with the animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents use of these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
    • The animal must be as unobtrusive as possible.
    • The animal must not display behaviors or noises that are disruptive to others such as barking, whining, growling, or rubbing against other people.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will I receive an accommodation letter for a service animal?
    • Students may use service animals without providing accommodation letters.

    How will I know if a dog is a service animal?

    • You may ask the two questions written under the Inquiry heading. If you are still unsure, please contact the DRSC.
    Can a student have more than one service animal?
    • Yes.
    Do service animals wear vests or identification?
    • Service animals are not required to be marked with vests or identification confirming their status as a service animal.
    Am I responsible for care of the service animal?
    • No. The owner is responsible for the animal.
    What can I do if the service animal is disruptive to my course, program, service, or activity?
    • If the service animal is disruptive, you may ask the student to remove the animal.
    Can I pet the service animal?
    • Service animals should not be touched or played with as it may be distracted from working.
    Can I restrict where the service animal can go?
    • Service animals are allowed to go anywhere their person with a disability can go. This includes classrooms, cafeterias, residence halls, and offices. Certain locations may be considered unsafe and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    Are service animals in training allowed on campus?
    • Service animals in training receive the same rights and expectations as fully trained service animals under Colorado state law.
    Is it illegal to misrepresent a pet as a service animal?
    • Under Colorado state law, it is illegal to refer to a pet or other untrained animal as a service animal, punishable by fine.

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