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Scholarship Resources

Students should always complete the CSU Pueblo Scholarship Application prior to the March 1st priority date, but there are other scholarship opportunities available as well. Private organizations offer scholarships based on a variety of criteria. Please note that this page is intended to be a research guide for students. However, these scholarships are in no way related to CSU Pueblo and any questions you might have regarding a particular scholarship or application process would have to be directed to the scholarship provider directly.

By Undergraduate Major

By Graduate Major

Other Criteria

Selected Scholarships

Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation

The Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation (PHEF) was established in Pueblo, Colorado in 1988. PHEF Helps students turn their educational dreams into goals and those goals into reality by providing scholarships for higher education to students in need from all backgrounds from Pueblo and Southern CO to assist them in achieving lifelong success. For more information, check out the PHEF website

Daniels Fund

Open to high school seniors from Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or Wyoming. You can find more information, including how to apply and other eligibility criteria, at the Daniels Fund website.

Denver Scholarship Fund

Selected graduates from specific Denver area high schools are eligible to participate in the Denver Scholarship Fund. Please visit the Denver Scholarship Fund website for more information.

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Students, who are at least one-fourth American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut, as recognized by a tribal group served by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, may apply for a BIA grant. The amount awarded is based on financial need and availability of funds from the area agency. For additional information, write to: Scholarship Office, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, PO Box 370, New Town, ND 58763.

Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI)

A new partnership with the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative and CSU Pueblo is providing adults (25+) with support services and scholarships to obtain college credentials or degrees. This program is designed to attract new scholarship dollars statewide and supplement existing state tuition assistance. Since the program was signed into law, the Scholarship Initiative team has worked to lay the foundation, raise community awareness of the initiative, and ensure that all Coloradans have an affordable path into the workforce. COSI is currently offering two scholarship programs: Finish What You Started and Back To Work. 

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