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CSU Pueblo Lectuerer Karen Marley Honored with Central District’s Mark Harvey Legacy Award

Release Date: May 22, 2024

Gena Alfonso

Director of Communications/PIO

Colorado State University Pueblo

(719) 671-0929

Karen Marley

Karen Marley, an esteemed lecturer within the School of Health Science and Human Movement at Colorado State University Pueblo, has been awarded with the prestigious Central District's Mark Harvey Legacy Award. This prominent recognition celebrates individuals who exemplify the core values of professionalism, humility, performance, and wisdom within their respective fields.

“I was very honored to receive the Mark Harvey award as he was recognized as a thoughtful, caring individual who cared about students and the profession. I was glad that people felt the same about me. Practicing your passion is what I always believed,” said Karen Marley, MA, CMAA. 

"I am deeply honored to receive the Central District's Mark Harvey Legacy Award," said Karen Marley, esteemed lecturer within the School of Health Science and Human Movement at Colorado State University Pueblo. "This recognition is not just a testament to my work, but to the incredible support and collaboration within our community. Teaching and leadership are not solitary endeavors; they thrive on shared knowledge and mentorship. I am grateful for the opportunities to inspire and empower future generations of health and physical educators. This award fuels my commitment to fostering excellence and camaraderie within our profession."

The acknowledgement of Karen Marley's exceptional contributions took place at the recent Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, attended by thousands of health and physical education professionals. The Mark L. Harvey Legacy Award, named in honor of Dr. Mark L. Harvey, spotlights individuals like Karen Marley who embody the personal and professional attributes exemplified by Dr. Harvey, including qualities such as friendship, mentorship, and leadership.

Karen Marley's remarkable dedication to her profession has been admired over the years, marked by notable achievements such as winning the Higher Education SHAPE Teacher of the Year Award in 2016 and the SHAPE Joy of Effort Award in 2020. Her commitment to excellence in teaching and leadership serves as inspiration within the health and physical education community. 

Karen Marley's impact extends far beyond the confines of the classroom, as she continues to inspire and empower future generations of health and physical educators. Karen’s dedication to cultivating a culture of mentorship serves as a testament to her legacy within the field.

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