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Colorado State University Pueblo School of Nursing Students to Host Health Fair for All Ages

Release Date: April 11, 2022

Greg Hoye

Executive Director

Marketing, Communications, Community Relations

(719) 549-2284

Occhiato Student Center Ballroom

Pueblo— Colorado State University Pueblo’s School of Nursing class of 2022 will coordinate with local organizations to provide health screenings and health education at the 9Health:365 Health Fair on Saturday, April 16 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Occhiato Student Center Ballroom.

The 9Health:365 Health Fair is an opportunity for attendees may talk or ask questions to health professionals throughout the fair. It will provide free medical screening services, vaccinations, and education to all ages. Participants may participate in free screenings including weight and body mass index screenings, height, vision and hearing screenings, blood pressure and pulse screenings, lung function screenings, prostate and testicular exams, pap smears, Diabetes or finger stick glucose tests, breast exams, sleep apnea screening, skin screening and much more.

Certain screenings, such as asthma control and general vaccinations, are available for children as well depending on age. Vision and hearing screenings, oral screenings, developmental milestone screenings and more will also be available for children. To sign up for adult or pediatric vaccinations fill out the Immunizations Survey here.

Additional in-depth services such as vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and testosterone screenings will be available for a nominal fee. Prices for more advanced screenings include prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for $40, hemoglobin A1C for $35, colon cancer kits for $45, blood count for $30, blood typing for $35, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein for $40, and blood chemistry for $45.

The Health Fair will also offer inclusive packages for pricing including the Baseline Health Package, which includes blood chemistry and hemoglobin A1C screenings for $70, or the Essential Health Package which includes blood chemistry, hemoglobin A1C, and vitamin D for $120. Cash and check will be accepted on-site.

Participants who wish to have blood work performed should drink plenty of water and continue taking prescribed medications. No fasting is required for lab draws. Stations to ask a pharmacist, to speak with a health care professional, and for cardiac risk assessments will also be available.

The 9Health:365 Health Fair is endorsed by the Colorado Medical Society, the Colorado Nurses Association, and the Colorado Hospital Association.

Online pre-registration allows attendees to pay in advance and bypass the registration line, it is preferred but not required. To register or for more information visit the 9Health:365 website here or call 800-332-3078.


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