Fall Convocation 2021 at Colorado State University Pueblo
Release Date: August 10, 2021
Colorado State University Pueblo begins the fall academic year with all-employee professional development the week of Aug. 16-20. The fall 2021 theme is “Pathways: Creating Meaningful Pathways to the 4-year Degree and Beyond.” Convocation is the all-employee development opportunity for CSU Pueblo and is filled with guest speakers, cutting-edge training and numerous in-person activities designed to prepare employees to welcome students to the fall semester.
“Convocation is an ideal time for all employees to collaborate, learn and plan for the new academic year. It’s been an incredibly difficult 18 months, and though there is much work ahead of us, I am confident that our campus has never been more dedicated to our students’ success. Convocation offers us all a chance to refocus for the fall semester,” President of CSU Pueblo, Timothy Mottet explained.
Colorado State University System Chancellor, Tony Frank, will open convocation week in Massari Arena at 8 a.m. on Monday with a welcome message, followed by an address from Mottet. During this opening session, Mottet will recognize employees, provide a comprehensive 2021 update for campus operations, and introduce this year’s keynote speaker, Cecilia Orphan. The session is open to the community.
Cecilia M. Orphan is an associate professor in the Higher Education Department in the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver and Director of the Alliance for Research on Regional Colleges. She researches Regional Public Colleges and Universities, Rural Serving Postsecondary Institutions, and organization, administration, and public policy for higher education. She has published over 25 journal articles, policy briefs, and book chapters and is co-editing a forthcoming book entitled Unlocking Opportunity through Broadly Accessible Institutions (Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group).
At 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 19, CSU Pueblo will “flip the switch” and move to solar energy. This event is open to all employees, students, and community members and will include a celebration of the upcoming renovation of the Technology Building. At lunchtime on Thursday, campus will host an all-employee luncheon and professional development opportunity, featuring Nate Easley, a member of the CSU System Board of Governors. Easley is the founding chief executive officer of the Ganas Network, an initiative to engage ethnically diverse charter school graduates in reforming public education. Prior to founding the Network, Easley applied more than 30 years of experience in education leadership to providing strategic advice to nonprofits, college access and success organizations, foundations, and school districts as an education consultant.
According to Mottet, “With their student-centered approach to learning, both Drs. Orphan and Easley bring a wealth of experience to CSU Pueblo’s convocation week. Dr. Orphan’s research with the Alliance for Research on Regional Colleges was integral to our visioning process. Dr. Easley is likewise passionate and knowledgeable about our work to serve first generation students. We are grateful for their willingness to share their expertise and enthusiasm with our campus community.”
To read more about CSU Pueblo’s Fall 2021 Convocation Week, visit the program.