Institute of Cannabis Research Cannabis Research Funding Awards Announced
Release Date: May 25, 2021

PUEBLO—The Institute of Cannabis Research (ICR) hosted at Colorado State University Pueblo recently completed the first statewide competition for funding of cannabis research. Approximately 40 proposals were received from researchers at six institutions of higher education, several nonprofit research organizations, and a private entity with the required state licensing. Applications were evaluated by scientific review panels comprised of subject matter experts from around the country. Ten projects were recommended for funding and will be led by researchers from four universities and one private company with an anticipated start date of July 2021.
“We were pleased to see so many quality applications for research funding submitted for this competition. It is an indication of the level of interest in cannabis research by many top-notch researchers in the state,” said Chad Kinney, Director of the ICR.
Applications received proposed research covering medical and clinical research, public health and social impact research, and biology, chemistry, and agronomic research. The projects recommended for funding address potential medical applications of cannabis, as well as medical implications of use of cannabis or its derivatives. Other recommended research focuses on areas of public health concerns related to cannabis and advances in the biology and chemistry of cannabis and cannabinoids.
“I wish that there were more resources available to support more researchers and the projects they proposed. There are many research questions related to cannabis still to be addressed,” stated Kinney. Projects could request up to three years of funding for up to $250,000 over the project period. “Funding these projects will continue to develop our knowledge in varying areas related to cannabis,” added Kinney.
In the coming weeks, additional information about projects will be added to the Institute's website. Information about previously supported research projects can also be found on the ICR website.
Project titles and lead investigators of the projects recommended for funding include:
- Defining the effects of CBD consumption during pregnancy on embryonic neurodevelopment and postnatal anxiety – Emily Bates; University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
- Microbiome mediated effects of Cannabis and CBD on neurotransmitter-related molecular networks and anxiety – Nichole Reisdorph; University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
- Is what you see what you get? A systematic, public health-driven analysis of cannabis product label claims vs. actual cannabinoid content – L. Cinnamon Bidwell; University of Colorado Boulder and Dr. Tyrell Towle; MX, LLC
- Observational study of the effects of acute cannabis use on ocular activity relevant to driving – Ashley Brooks-Russel; University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
- Cannabinoid conversion to CBN during hemp extraction and post-extraction fluorination of CBD and CBN for increased bioavailability – Ken Olejar; Colorado State University Pueblo
- Dissecting the genetic basis of sex and dioecy in Cannabis sativa – Nolan Kane; University of Colorado Boulder
- Exploring Intoxication During Acute Alcohol and Cannabis Co-Administration: A Focus on Cannabinoid Content and Order Effects – Hollis Karoly; Colorado State University
- Short-term effects of cannabis use and cannabinoids in youth: A sibling-comparison study – Jared Ellinson; University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
- Investigating the effect of cannabidiol and cannabidiol-trazodone combination treatment on naturally- occurring canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome as a surrogate for Alzheimer’s disease – Stephanie McGrath; Colorado State University
- Quantification of Endo- and Phytocannabinoids with Comparison to Pain Medication Requirements and Surgical Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery for Cancer – Camille Stewart; University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus