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Colorado State University Pueblo Hosts Science Olympiad Tournament Virtually

Release Date: April 07, 2021

Haley Sue Robinson

Director of Communications/PIO

Marketing, Communications, Community Relations

(719) 549-2284

Science olympiad

Colorado State University Pueblo will host middle and high school students from across the state of Colorado to participate virtually in the Colorado State Science Olympiad Tournament virtually on Saturday, April 10.

The events featured in the Science Olympiad Tournament are focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) which is supported by the work of the Communities to Build Active STEM Engagement (CBASE) program at CSU Pueblo.Science Olympiad has been equated to an academic track meet with events for different divisions of students. The events encourage hands-on learning and teamwork.

Normally, CSU Pueblo hosts the regional tournament event on campus each year which include more than 50 teams of students with over 700 students from all over the state.

“Throughout the pandemic, CSU Pueblo has remained committed to facilitating the Science Olympiad Tournament, and has worked with Science Olympiad state leadership to facilitate a fully virtual tournament series this year,” said Abby Davidson, director of Science Learning Center and assistant director of the CBASE Grant Program at CSU Pueblo. “CSU Pueblo gained the unique opportunity of hosting the all-state tournament for Colorado this year.  In prior years we've hosted the Southern Regional tournament on the university campus with the support of many faculty, staff and students because of our commitment to STEM work.”

The state tournament will be occurring fully virtually on Saturday, April 10. Then the awards ceremony will be recorded and shared via the CSU Pueblo YouTube Channel on Saturday, April 17. Events include topics featuring topics of water quality, food science, meteorology, machines, heredity and more.

“CSU Pueblo faculty and students, as well as other STEM faculty and professionals from around Colorado are facilitating the tournaments in an online format this year,” said Davidson. “Our passion for cultivating interest in STEM remains firm and we're looking forward to making this tournament happen this year, although it's taking place virtually."

The top performing middle school team and high school team at the state tournament will represent Colorado at the Science Olympiad National Tournament, which is held at a different university each year around the country.This allows to students to visit a college campus and explore the undergraduate experience.

To learn more about Science Olympiad, please visit the Colorado Science Olympiad website ( or contact Tournament Director Abby Davidson at

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