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CSU Pueblo Moves 2020 Commencement Ceremony to Online Format

Release Date: September 30, 2020

Haley Sue Robinson

Director of Communications/PIO

Marketing, Communications & Community Relations

(719) 549-2810

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Colorado State University Pueblo officials have announced that the rescheduled 2020 commencement ceremony, normally held following the conclusion of the spring semester, will be held in a virtual format because of ongoing health and safety concerns over the pandemic.The online commencement ceremony will be held on Sat. Dec. 12 at 10 a.m. This date was rescheduled to help celebrate spring 2020 graduates who had no commencement after university officials postponed the event in May amid pandemic concerns. 

 “We look forward to recognizing and celebrating our students who have overcome numerous challenges and obstacles to earn their degree,” said Timothy Mottet, president of CSU Pueblo. “We also look forward to recognizing the family and friends who have supported our students throughout their degree programs.”  

CSU Pueblo officials announced this summer that students will not be returning to campus after the Thanksgiving break due to increased concerns surrounding the risk of spreading the virus. Instead, students will complete their fall coursework and finals online. 

Moving the commencement ceremony to an online format allows for the university to protect all campus and community participants, as well as abide by the current statewide mandate prohibiting large indoor gatherings. It will also provide the opportunity for more family and friends to celebrate the accomplishments of the students in the class of 2020. 

Having a virtual commencement may not have been what the graduates imagined as they started their educational journey at CSU Pueblo, said Mohamed Abdelrahman, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs at CSU Pueblo.  

“This memorable and non-traditional event will reflect and honor the resilience, perseverance and adaptability of these graduates in the face of adversity,” he said. “I am proud of their success and am sure they are ready to face a challenging and rapidly changing world.”  

CSU Pueblo students and May 2020 graduates received an email accessing the website to create a profile and update slides for the ceremony. This platform allows students to personally customize the ceremony to meet their needs. 

Pre-commencement planning events will occur later this fall, which will help students customize their graduation slides for the virtual ceremony, purchase graduation items from the CSU Pueblo Bookstore and schedule a time to get a complimentary graduation photo taken. Updates about the event can be found by visiting or by checking university social media platforms. Students can anticipate receiving an official commencement mailing in November with honor cords, the commencement program, and diploma covers, along with relevant information regarding the graduation ceremony.

“As a university, we are very proud of the resiliency of our students, especially as this pandemic has negatively impacted their ability to celebrate accomplishments in person and we look forward to honoring the work they’ve done to earn a degree from CSU Pueblo,” said Mottet.

For more information about CSU Pueblo’s commencement ceremony and up-to-date announcements, please visit Commencement or email May 2020 graduates are able to participate in the spring 2021 commencement if an event is held in person.  The university continues to monitor health and safety protocol per the Office of the Governor of Colorado and through guidance of Colorado Department of Higher Education. 

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