Summer Enrollment Numbers Highest Since 2013
Release Date: August 25, 2020
This summer, Colorado State University Pueblo had its highest summer enrollment numbers since 2013, despite the uncertainty amidst COVID-19. Academic affairs expanded summer online offerings to meet student demand and cross campus efforts assisted students enrolling in summer classes in order to maintain progress toward their degree.
After a quick transition to remote learning in mid-March, CSU Pueblo continued online offerings amidst the pandemic. Summer courses were offered fully online with the exception of courses in the health sciences and courses with specific need for hands-on learning. Graduate programs including Athletic Training, Social Work and Doctorate of Nurse Practitioner (DNP) saw increased growth during the summer session. Summer enrollment increased by about 20% over the previous year.
“Enrollment gains like this don’t happen by accident,” said Chrissy Holliday, Vice President of Enrollment Management, Communication and Student Affairs. “This was the result of significant strategic work, from program and course offerings to outreach and marketing, to let students know why CSU Pueblo is the right fir for them. By the time the pandemic hit, ,we had already done the hard work to make summer a successful semester, and we simply doubled-down on efforts to stay engaged with our students despite the new challenges.”
Financial aid and affordability were important to students facing the current economic uncertainty and a high priority for the campus. The university created a summer scholarship for students who enrolled in more than 9 credits, with an additional scholarship available if they also enrolled full-time for fall. Additional student support services, technology upgrades and individualized financial aid plans assisted with more students enrolling over the summer.
The fall semester is approaching quickly, and CSU Pueblo remain focused on providing a strong education opportunity at a significant value. CSU System Board of Governors approved a tuition freeze for the 2020-2021 academic year, supporting institutional efforts to keep a CSU Pueblo education within reach of area residents, despite swings in the economy. CSU Pueblo remains committed to providing access to an affordable education that prepares students for stable futures and careers that are life changing for themselves and their families. To compliment the tuition freeze, CSU Pueblo also restructured tuition rates so out-of-state and international students pay less than they traditionally have in the past.
Much has been done to support students making plans to attend school this fall, despite the uncertainty of the pandemic. Application and scholarship deadlines were extended to allow students ample time to make decisions with many unknowns and financial impacts due to the pandemic. Although the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act offered funds for students in May, none of those dollars could be allocated toward tuition payments. The CSU Pueblo Foundation raised over $80,000 through a specialized fundraiser in the late spring, called “Embrace the Pack” which focused on scholarships specifically for students impacted due to COVID-19.
“We are well aware of the unique times in which we are living, and the role we play on helping keep higher education a realistic goal for the local community and all our student,” said Holliday. “Because of the personalized attention our students receive, and our commitment to providing flexible opportunities to live, learn and grow, we know students will continue to choose CSU Pueblo as their college home.”
The fall academic calendar begins August 24 and offers courses via online, face-to-face and hybrid formats, which allows students to choose the method of learning best suited to their needs.