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Colorado State University-Pueblo Hosts Colorado Department of Corrections for Educational Workshops

Release Date: November 08, 2019

Haley Sue Robinson

Director of Communications / Public Information Officer

Marketing, Communications & Community Relations

(719) 549-2284

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Colorado State University-Pueblo welcomes the Colorado Department of Corrections (DOC) to campus for a number of workshops hosted November 12 and 13. This opportunity provides teachers across the state of Colorado the ability to participate in continuing education.  These teachers provide educational and vocational teaching within the DOC.

The DOC educational program partners with two and four year institutions across the state to help their educators with certifications, continuing educations, and pursue new certificate or education programs to further educate offenders.  Offenders are then offered industry trade educations, alternative college and industry certificate programming. DOC continues to update and program new educational opportunities for marketable jobs when offenders are released to reduce recidivism and help individuals succeed. 

This educational programming is part of the Correctional Education Program Act passed in 1990, which then was amended in 2010 to include technical education and “provide all eligible offenders with marketable re-entry skills that are relevant and in-demand.”

“In Extended Studies, we are very focused on providing access to education for incarcerated students in several of our programs. And for several years, we have worked closely with the Colorado DOC to provide programs in their facilities for both our print based programs and face-to-face courses,” said Kathryn Starkey, Outreach Specialist with Extended Studies. 

Several of the individuals that are teaching workshops in conjunction with DOC teach in correctional facilities now and are excited to share expertise with those attending.  The Teacher Education Program; Sociology/Criminology/Anthropology Department; Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Recreation Department; all will represent different programs and curriculum needs for the DOC. 

“When Melissa Smith, DOC Education Program Coordinator/Credential & Grant Officer, came to us to ask for our help in hosting a professional development workshop, we were elated to have the chance to not only make a difference for the students but now also the teachers,” said Starkey.  “We are so grateful to have this partnership with the DOC to continue to help foster access to education and make a difference in the lives of students across the state.”

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