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Leslie Danielle Cacy Scholarship

Release Date: May 14, 2018

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo


CSU-Pueblo Foundation Announces first recipient of the Leslie Danielle Cacy Scholarship

PUEBLO – The Colorado State University-Pueblo Foundation has named Danielle Vuksinick  the first recipient of the Leslie Danielle Cacy Memorial Scholarship.

The Leslie Danielle Cacy Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in psychology, sociology, social work or pre-veterinarian medicine. The scholarship is both merit-based and need-based and is only available to full-time undergraduate students. The successful applicant must initially possess a 2.5 GPA; and must maintain a 2.5 GPA to remain eligible. Eligible applicants must reside in Pueblo, Fremont or El Paso County and can be any undergraduate (freshman through senior) grade level. In addition, students also must be working at least 25 hours per week while attending CSU-Pueblo, and must volunteer/have volunteered at an animal shelter, elderly home,+ or veterinary hospital.

Vuksinick graduated from Pueblo County High School in 2017. She is pursuing a major in chemistry (pre-veterinary) and a minor in honors. While in high school, Danielle earned a 3.94 GPA and was a finalist for the Kane Family Foundation Scholarship. She was involved in cross country, drama, FFA, and Pre-Vet Club and volunteered many hours at a veterinary clinic.

 “Danielle was a perfect fit for the Leslie Danielle Cacy Memorial Scholarship as she holds many of the same values and goals as Mrs. Cacy,” said Foundation President and CEO Todd Kelly.

Leslie Danielle Cacy was a 2015 psychology graduate of CSU-Pueblo. Cacy had a heart of gold and always helped those in need, animals and humans alike. An avid animal lover and big believer in rescuing animals, Cacy adopted many shelter pets and gave them second chance homes. She was able to make friends with anyone, no matter the age or circumstance and was always willing to provide a listening ear and enjoyed listening to people's stories. She had a knack for putting a smile on people's faces with her genuine and sincere demeanor and heart; she was truly one of a kind. Cacy was killed in a tragic accident before she was able to fulfill her dream of being a geriatric psychologist with an animal emphasis, combining the two things that meant so much to her; helping people in need with the love of animals. Her husband, Devon, established this scholarship to help Leslie in carrying on her dream to help others live out their dreams.

The CSU-Pueblo Foundation provides opportunity, promotes equity, and promises excellence to CSU-Pueblo students. The CSU-Pueblo Foundation awards more than 900 scholarships each year thanks to the generous contributions of individuals and companies who value education. For more information about supporting scholarships, contact the CSU-Pueblo Foundation at 719.549.2380 or visit

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