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Institute of Cannabis Research Invites Pueblo Community to the 2018 Conference Opening Address

Release Date: April 24, 2018

Karole Campbell

Madwoman Marketing + Strategies


CSU-Pueblo Institute of Cannabis Research Invites Pueblo Community to the 2018 Conference Opening Address

PUEBLO – The Pueblo Community is invited to the 2018 ICR Conference’s opening address, presented by Pueblo native Audra Stinchcomb, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 26 at the Colorado State University–Pueblo, Occhiato Student Center Ballroom. This presentation is free and open to the public.

Dr. Audra Stinchcomb’s research has focused on the influence of pro-drug physicochemical properties on skin flux, distribution, and metabolism. She will discuss twenty years of cannabis-based drug delivery research in less than an hour. The highs and lows of a start-up pharmaceutical company journey are illustrated. This talk takes you from CSU-Pueblo to Upstate New York to Kentucky, and back to CSU-Pueblo.

Long-term objectives of Dr. Stinchcomb’s research include examining prodrugs specifically designed for improved microneedle-enhanced delivery, methods to prolong the lifetime of drug delivery through transdermal device-created micropores, and unique translational research models for efficient drug discovery and development.

Institute of Cannabis Research: The ICR was established in June 2016 through an innovative partnership between Colorado State University – Pueblo, the state of Colorado, and Pueblo County. With initial funding support from Pueblo County and the state of Colorado, the ICR is the nation’s first multi-disciplinary cannabis research center at a regional, comprehensive institution. The primary function of the Institute is the generation of knowledge that contributes to science, medicine, and society through investigation of the benefits and risks associated with cannabis. Research findings are used to translate discoveries into innovative applications that improve lives. The Institute aligns with the university’s mission as a provider of education, research, and service to the region. Research is conducted in collaboration with a variety of agencies, companies, and universities, including the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado Department of Agriculture, and the Industrial Hemp Research Foundation.


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