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Suit Up event on Feb. 18

Release Date: February 15, 2018

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo


CSU-Pueblo Career Center Teams up with JC Penney for Suit-Up Event Feb. 18

PUEBLO – The Career Center at Colorado State University-Pueblo has teamed up with the local JC Penney store to provide a significant discount on the purchase of professional attire for students, faculty, and staff. The Suit-Up event will offer participants 40 percent discount off the last marked price on men’s and women’s career dress apparel and shoes from 5:30-9:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 18. Students and staff must show their CSU-Pueblo IDs in order to receive the special discount card. The JC Penney Store is located in the Pueblo Mall at 3301 Dillon Drive.

Career Center Director Michelle Gjerde hopes the inaugural event will give students an advantage at their next interview or even a jump start on clothing for their career. A variety of activities will accompany the sale, including workshops on how to tie neckties as well as proper body measurements in order to insure proper fit of suits and shirts. In-store vendor Sephora will offer mini-makeovers, giveaways, and a chance to win bigger prizes, while the JC Penney salon will provide free consultations and XPRESS Bar hair touchups.  

Food trucks will be available outside of the south entrance of the store as well as live streaming by student managed radio station Rev 89.

The Career Center has been assisted by the junior class of the President’s Leadership Program in marketing the program across campus. PLP is a four-year academic leadership program that develops and trains emerging leaders while allowing students to earn a minor in leadership studies.

For more information, contact Gjerde at 549-2980 or the President’s Leadership Program at 549-2060.


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